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so i got tagd by person idk who. the qesshuns are prety meen but tats okie.

ok they tell me on comints its onecsinnamunrole idk if i spel dat rite?? but kirdrccs..

here is quesshun::

WHy do you exist?: wen a mommy and a daddy lov each othar very much, they kis each other a lotz and than then they sleeps next 2 each other and then in middle of nite the godz of olympis bless dem witha chid. THWAT CHID IS MEEEE!!!!!!!!

Why is your spelling so bad?: im homeskool.

Why is your grammar so bad?: im homeskool.

 Why do I feel like you're just a My Immortal author ripoff? : im homeskool.

Why don't you just leave?: idk how to delet my acownt??? plus im rely famoos. sooooo

 Why did you choose wattpad to infect and ruin??: so i was sittin in the rooms and then my fren say: crysal??? u want 2 see wirte bok?? i say YAYA!!!!!! so then i rite ocs. idk how to stori rite so i don do that a lot.

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