9:46 P.M.- February 8th: Ha! I Told You I'm Not Riker!

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With my Algebra II book in my arm, I knock on the massive front door. I look around the front yard and I still can't beleive that I'm at the Lynches' house. From the pictures that have been taken here, everything seems to be the same. My eyes find the mini waterfall that Rydel and Lori jumped in front of about a year and a half ago. They wander to the front yard where the boys played football and my Dad came here taking pictures. I look around towards where my car is parked, spotting Riker's car. I smile, remembering when DWTS photos of the celebrities by their cars were posted.

"Like my car?" Riker says making me jump.

"Damn, you scared me. But, yeah, I do like it." I say making him chuckle a bit.

"Sorry that it took so long. There may or may have been some fighting for who was going to open the door for you," Riker says opening the door further and then standing behind it.

I walk into their back hall and I can't help but giggle. Laying in the walkway of the back hall are the other Lynch boys. Ross was laying on top of Ryland and Ryland was laying on top of Rocky. Ellington, being the idiot and the goofball he is, is laying on top of all of them. He had his arms spread out and he's laughing softly.

Riker rubs the back of his neck, "Like I said, there was a fight to get to the door." He laughs. "I have no idea how I survived that."

"Me either," I say taking my camera out of my bag.

Well, it's actually my dad's old Nikon camera that he gave me for my birthday last year. He still uses it every so often, but not as often as his main one. I take a picture of the doggy pile, a smile forming on my lips. I view the picture before showing Riker.

He laughs and hugs me, "You're no different than your dad."  

I smile, "Thanks, I get that a lot. Idiots, you need to move. I have to get through."

Rocky, the person at the bottom, struggles to stand up, making the othet boys roll off him. Ryland ends up falling off of Ross' back and landing on his butt. Ellington rolls completely away before yelling, "Damn, that hurt!" after he must have hit something. I giggle as Rocky and Ross stand up. Rocky grabs my arm and leads me into the kitchen, where I set my Algebra II book down.

"Lemme know if you need help. I know a bit of Algebra II," Rocky says as he wanders back off into the living room, where Ross was yelling at Ryland about some video game.

I laugh and I look back towards Riker, who is leaning against the wall, texting someone on his cell phone. I take my phone out of my bag, setting it down onto the table. A moment later, my phone goes off. I glance back at Riker, who puts his phone in his pocket, a smile on his face. I knew it! R is Riker! I should have known that it was him this whole time!

9:46 P.M.

R🤔: You look really good tonight. :) One of the boys wanted me to ask you if you wanted him to take you to school tomorrow.

Mack💙: Alright, R. Or should I say Riker. You can stop lying to me. You were just on your phone. You're R, Riker.

"Talking to R?" Riker asks as he pulls his stool out next to me.

"Yeah, R." I say with a smile.

"It's not me. He told you that the other night," Riker says looking into my eyes, clearly serious. "Honestly, I'm flattered that you would think that. "

My face flushes, "I-I'm sorry, Riker. I didn't mean to assume like that."

"It's okay, Mack." My phone vibrates.

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