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Luckily I fell asleep quickly that night. Somehow I never had any insomnia issues, no matter how disturbed I was. I always fell asleep, no matter what.

But the next day was not so lucky. I had to face the 'how-was-your-first-night' looks and sly glances all day next day.

I just had to look down and make a blushing face. Somehow after the sixteenth time I faced this question, the blushing came naturally.

Shiva was whisked away by his cousins and friends which gave me time to get to know his family

So, shiva's father is a politician and his mom is a house wife cum social worker. Shiva has a brother and a sister. His brother, though younger to him by a couple of years is going to be his father's successor in politics where as his sister is yet to get married to some NRI.

Apart from all these people it was his grandparents whom I liked the most. They were the coolest grandparents ever. Unlike the other relatives they actually gifted me a one piece knee length gucci dress along with diamond set.

I instantly fell in love with them and also felt sad when they had to leave.

"You will meet them again" shiva said from beside me, "don't worry".

His words of encouragement though didn't make a huge difference felt different. I don't know how to describe it.

Will things change now? Have they already changed? I have never been clueless before. And now it doesn't feel great to be.

Ex Boyfriend Turned HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now