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He smirked at me arrogantly,  "even I didn't marry you because I'm still crazy about you or anything" I won't lie but his words hurt, "I just married you because of your family name"

"What?" I asked in shock

"Yeah" he shrugged, "my father is MLA now. He has everything-money, popularity in the crowd, influence etc etc. All he needs is a connection with a good family. Your father is the perfect person. He is a good man and your family has a good prestige. A relationship into your family will favour him in becoming a minister" he shrugged

"How does that benefit you?" I asked

"I am starting my own business. I don't need any money from my family. But I need the support of a politician and a social figure. Which will be my dad and your dad. Perfect reason to marry you. It's pure business" he said in an emotionless tone.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

" I should have guessed that you would be stupid and marry any tom dick and harry randomly" he spat in a sarcastic way.

"it's all in my stars" I said through gritted teeth.

After a couple of staring competition, I withdrew towards the bed. There was no sense in engaging myself in a bickering competition.

The house we were in was a modest two bedroom house with a decent kitchen and a spacious living room. We were currently in the master bedroom, that had an attached master bathroom, a balcony and a double cot bed. There was no other furniture in the entire house.

I silently walked towards the suitcase and opened to get some comfortable clothes to sleep in and a towel. I needed a shower first.

The steam shower relaxed me lot  and the decor of the bathroom just improved my mood. It had couple sinks and a huge bathtub with a transluscent sliding door.

"We are going to live in this house from now on" his voice reached me from the balcony. I walked towards him while drying my hair with the towel.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I bought this house for us",

"Us?" I raised an eyebrow

"Yes" he said crossing his arms. He too changed into a tee shirt that hugged his muscles like a second skin and a pair of track pants. "It is near to my office and I like it the way it is. So you better get adjusted quick".

"I want this bedroom" I said quickly, and before he could open his mouth and say something, "you take the other room. I need the attached bathroom. Women's requirements,  you see" I shrugged. 

His expression morphed into that annoyed one which he wore whenever he was going to give into my demands. I smiled a triumphant smile.

"Fine" he snapped and walked out of the room slamming the door shut on his way out.

I slumped down on the ground omce everything came crashing down on me.

I am married.  That too to a man who has vowed that he would hate me forever with all his heart. Not that I was expecting roses and hearts from this wedding but..... Shiva, I sighed. How will I live with him under the same roof when I'm still not over him? After all he was the love of my life.

Ex Boyfriend Turned HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now