What makes a Cell Phone Novel a Cell Phone Novel?

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The key word here is short. Despite text messages no longer having real word limits and formatting made a lot easier, the rough word limit is still respected. Most CPNs average around the same 70-150 word limit per chapter with a few exceptions (200 words max). Since its fruition it has developed into its own form of writing, a way to tell a story using poetry, line breaks, and white-space.

Cell Phone novels are able to tell such moving stories with little words due to its maximum usage of the ENTIRE space. The blank space on which your words are written can tell a better story than the words themselves. The importance lies in your ability to learn and develop your own style.

Here are some key things that make a Cell Phone Novel:

Short chapters

※ Single chapters comprising of 70-150 words. It can reach up to 200 words with exception.

※ Each page should only contain one chapter. Multiple chapters per page are acceptable with exception.

Usage of white-space

※ Usage of line breaks. A single line can express an entire paragraph. Line breaks are core in any given CPN, and are used in many ways. It's up to the author how they are used.

※ Vertical white spacing. This will be covered in further detail in the How-To section.

Appropriate use of language

Prose form: no matter how abstract your approach may be, you are still writing a story. It is very important to remember this. Keep in mind your audience.

※ Poetic diction is not discouraged, but avoid devolving into full abstract free-form.

Spelling/Grammar: Nobody likes seeing spelling and grammar mistakes in their favorite book! This principle applies to CPNs as well.


CPNs since its creation have embraced the concept of minimalism. This does not mean you must be feel tied down by content constraint. Even the most seasoned authors have some difficulty in finding the right balance. This can range from sentence structure, diction, and aesthetic.

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