Chapter 5

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🎶And I know it's true
That visions are seldom all they seem🎶

Petra's POV

         Foxglove and Tay had left not too long after Carlos did, but not before Foxglove finished getting all the twigs out of my hair. I hung in my hammock and mindlessly played my flute, waiting for Chad to come pick me up. And sure enough the second the clock struck twelve there was a knock on the door.
          I stood up and answered it to see Chad wearing a tuxedo and holding a bouquet of flowers. "You're dressed pretty fancy for a simple tour of the campus." I said, looking him up and down. Chad's smile wavered, but he simply held out his flowers to me. "I dress to impress." He said. "I got you some red roses, I thought they'd compliment your hair." I took the roses  and examined them. "Thank you, but I'm not much of a flower person." I walked over and set them near Tay's tiny bed. "But I'm sure my roommate will enjoy them, being a fairy and all."
          Chad looked a bit confused. "You alright?" I asked, grabbing my jacket. Chad shook his head. "I'm great." He said, holding his arm out for me. Does he think I can't walk on my own? "Um, I'm okay thanks." I said politely and lightly pushed his arm away. "After you, please." Chad hesitated, but began walking down the hallway. "I'll show you the Tourney Field first." He said.
          Chad and I walked around for a couple hours. He told me all about Auradon, and in turn I told him about Neverland. "That must've been interesting, growing up in a place where no one else does." Chad said. I laughed. "I suppose so." I said. "I think the only reason I did grow at all was because of my mother. She was very mature, you know." "Well yeah, that's why she left Neverland in the first place." Said Chad. I shrugged. "The first time, anyway." I said. "My mom came and left Neverland an awful lot. But anyways, I think her maturity for raising me was strong enough to fight Neverland's magic of never aging. After all there are hardly any mothers in Neverland."
          "And that's what happened to your friends too? Foxglove and the lost boys?" Chad asked as we sat down on a bench near the campus. I sighed. "For Foxglove, yes. The lost boys are a different story." I said. One I wasn't eager to tell, but I didn't tell Chad that. Either way, he must have known it was a touchy subject because he never mentioned it again. Instead, he said something else, something worse. "Petra, can I tell you something?" Chad said, holding one of my hands. I was more confused now than I was when Chad first picked me up. "I- I suppose so?" I said cautiously. Chad smiled. "I'd like to give you something." He said.
          I was slightly relieved. He just had a gift for me, that was all. "Well, hand it over then-" I was cut off by Chad putting his lips on mine. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. My father told me about these, they're dangerous. They make you grow up faster than anything. I shot up from the bench and wiped my lips with the back of my hand. I clearly had upset Chad, but I flew off before he could say anything.
          It was nearly dark, and I didn't know where to go. The lost boys were off causing trouble, and I wouldn't hear the end of it if I told Foxglove I'd abandoned Chad. I didn't know where else to turn, so I went to the one other person I knew would let me in.

Carlos' POV

"I'll be back in a couple hours, alright?" Said Jay, grabbing his key to our dorm from the bowl near the door. "Yeah, yeah." I said, still focused on my game. I heard Jay shut the door, but I didn't look up from the TV screen.
          It was silent for about a half hour except the noises of my game. That's when I heard this tapping on my window. I assumed it was just a tree or something, so I ignored it. Finally the tapping turned into banging. I rolled my eyes and paused the game to turn and look at what was making the noise, but when I saw what it was I almost fell backwards.
          Just outside my window, Petra was flying and waving at me. I mindlessly waved back, unsure what to do. Petra pointed to the lock on the window, and I assumed she wanted me to unlock it. I didn't think Jay would want visitors while he was out, but I didn't expect the visit to last long anyway.
          I opened the window and Petra landed on the window sill. "Took you long enough." She said, smirking as she leaned against the window frame. I shook my head. "Sorry, if I'd known it was you-" "I know. I guess flying through the window isn't as common here as it is in London." Petra said, stepping onto the floor. "Thanks for letting me in though." I shrugged and waved my hand carelessly. "Don't worry about it." I said. "I'm sure anyone would have done the same."
         Petra didn't seem to have heard me, she was looking around Jay and I's dorm. She was a curious one, I'll give her that. I didn't mind much, I just kept an eye on her in case she saw anything about my mom that might make her suspicious about who I was. She floated up to a shelf that was to tall for her to reach. It was filled with things Jay had stolen on the Isle of the Lost.
           "Petra, just out of curiosity how did you know where my dorm was?" I asked as I sat on my bed. Petra glanced back at me and smiled. "Well I'd already known this was- what's his name? Jason?" "Jay." I corrected. Petra nodded. "That was it, Jay." She continued. "I already knew he stayed here. And when I saw you with him at our concert I put two and two together and voila! Here I am!" She turned around and crossed her arms proudly as she floated to the ground. "Where is your roommate by the way?"
          I couldn't tell the daughter of Peter Pan that Jay was out on a heist, that's a bit of a piratey thing to do and I took a good guess on what Petra's opinion on pirates was. "He went shopping." I said quickly. Petra raised an eyebrow, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. "Really?" She said. I gulped and nodded. I thought she was going to question me more, but instead she sat down next to me and laid down on the bed with her hands behind her head.
          "He's the son of Jafar, right?" She said, fidgeting slightly trying to get comfortable. My breath hitched in my throat, hoping this conversation wasn't going where I thought it was. "Uh, yeah. He is." I said cautiously. Petra nodded, then she was silent for a moment. Finally she broke the awkward silence and spoke again. "Does he act like his father? Jay?"
          I turned to look at her. Her blue eyes were lit up with excitement, not rage like I thought they'd be. This put me at ease a bit. "Not really. I mean, I guess they share a few traits. But Jay is definitely not a villain." Petra smiled and shut her eyes, apparently satisfied by this answer. "I didn't think so. He seemed alright when I talked to him." She said. "It's funny that way, isn't it? You're raised by these people and then you turn out nothing like them."
           I stared at her for a moment, not believing what I heard. Did she just say she was fine with VKs? It took forever for anyone at this school to accept us, and she's fine with it within her first week? No, she must be bluffing. She's Peter Pan's daughter for Walt's sake. I simply nodded. "Yeah, funny." I laughed uneasily.
          Silence rang through the room again. There was a moment where I thought Petra had fallen asleep, but then she opened a single eye and looked at me. "Hey Carlos?" She said. "Do you want to do something fun?" I was shellshocked for a moment. "W-what?" I said. Petra sat up and put her hands on my shoulder. "Do you want to do something really, really, fun?" She repeated.
          "I guess." I said. Petra smirked and hopped up from the bed. "Great!" She practically shouted. "You still have that pixie dust I gave you, right?" I nodded and went to my bed side drawer to grab it. "You know this stuff isn't allowed at Auradon Prep?" I said as I rummaged through the drawer. Petra shrugged. "I heard about it." She admitted. "What do these people have against magic? Isn't that what this whole place is built off of? I mean, the king was once a beast and all."
         I pulled out the sack of pixie dust from my bedside drawer and tossed it to Petra. "I think they're worried that the villains will get their hands on it." I said. Petra caught the dust and shook the bag, seemingly trying to see how much was in it. "I suppose that makes sense." She muttered, but I don't think she actually understood what I said. She opened the sack and poured a little pixie dust on her hand. It looked as if it was made of gold, it was mesmerizing. Petra noticed and smiled. "Isn't it beautiful?" She asked. "My dad says the stars are made of pixie dust, and that's why they shine so bright." I wanted to correct her and say that's not exactly what stars were, but the look she had in her eyes stopped me. That look of wonder and childishness that made Petra, herself.
          I was so deep in thought I hadn't noticed that Petra had appeared by my side. "You're not afraid of heights are you?" She asked me. I snapped my head back up. "N-no." I stuttered. Petra smirked. "Good, because I still owe you for helping at our concert." She said, taking a step back from me. It was then that Petra's idea hit me, I had remembered what pixie dust did. "Petra-" but she had already blown the pixie dust from her palm to my face.
            I coughed and waved my hand around my nose so I wouldn't inhale the dust, but Petra either didn't care or didn't notice. "Now, think of the happiest thing you can imagine." Petra said, slowly floating into the air. "Maybe something you like to do, or a good memory, anything will really do." When I finally coughed up all the dust I looked back at Petra. "I don't think this is a good idea." I said uneasily, but Petra simply rolled her eyes. "Thoughts like that aren't going to get you to fly, silly!" She said, soaring behind me. I felt her hold my arms up. "Come on, just a happy thought. Any merry little thought." She whispered.
          Finally coming to the conclusion that I wasn't getting out of this, I sighed and shut my eyes to search for a happy thought. A memory wouldn't work, most of those were on the Isle and they weren't exactly happy. So I listed out things I liked to do. Play video games. Play with Dude. Talking to Petra. Tourney. Making Petra laugh. Fencing. "Carlos!" Petra shouted, making me snap out of my thoughts. "What? What's wrong-" I happened to glance down and I found out just what Petra was so excited about. My feet weren't touching the ground. I looked back up at Petra, who had the widest smile I'd ever seen on her face. "You did it, Carlos!" She screamed, flying at me faster then I could comprehend. Next thing I knew Petra had pulled me into a hug. I froze for a second, completely in shock. Carlos, what are you doing? The girl of your dreams is giving you a hug! I finally hugged Petra back and smiled.
           It seemed like the moment lasted forever, but it was only for a few seconds. As soon as Petra pulled away, I launched up farther into the air before I knew what I was doing. When I got close to hitting the ceiling Petra pulled me down by my foot. "Woah, careful there buddy." She said, still smiling. "Whatever happy thought you had must have been pretty strong to make you fly that high."

Oh, you have no idea.

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