Chapter 4

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🎶If only they'd look closer, they'd find out there's so much more to me.🎶

Carlos' POV

I slowly woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 7:30! "Jay! Wake up!" I said, jumping out of bed and shaking my roommate. "Huh? What?" Said Jay. "Jay! We're late for class!" I said. I started running towards the bathroom, but Jay grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back. "It's Saturday you idiot!" He said.

I calmed down and looked at the calendar on the wall. He was right. "S-sorry Jay." I said. "Now let me sleep." He said, rolling over and passing out. I sat back on my own bed and started turning on my video game.

Someone knocked on the door, causing Jay to groan. "Who the hell is knocking on our door at 7:30 on a Saturday?" He said. "Let's find out." I said and went to the door.

I opened it, and there was a pair of identical twin boys on the other side. I recognized them from the show the previous night. "Hello!" They said at the same time. "Uh, hi." I said. "Do you guys need something?" "We have a letter for you." Said one and handed me an envelope. "It's from Petra." "It's from all of us." The other corrected. "But Petra wrote it!" The first fired back.

"Yeah, but we all told her what to write!"

"Doesn't matter, she used her own hand to write it down!"

"But we all signed it!"

"That's because you're too stupid to write it, so she had to do it herself!"

"Then why didn't you write it!"

"Because she can't tell the difference between us!"

"Alright, thank you!" I said, shutting the door before they could argue more. I sat on my bed and opened the envelope. I took the paper out and read it.

Dear Carlos Whatever your last name is,

We all wanted to thank you for fixing the electricity last night. You saved our show! We have a gift for you inside, hope you enjoy it!

The bottom had Petra, The lost boys, Tay (who I assumed was the fairy) and Foxglove's (the other girl I must have saw) signatures. There was also a small bag in the envelope. Inside was what I recognized as pixie dust. An illegal substance in Auradon Prep. Petra must not have known yet. Either way, I put it in my bedside drawer.

I read it again, and realized at the top, Petra didn't know my last name. Which means she doesn't know I'm a villain kid. I actually have a chance!

I got out of bed and started doing my hair. "Where are you going?" Jay grumbled. "Out." I said, avoiding any details. Jay didn't question it anymore after that. I quickly got dressed and headed out to search for Petra.

Petra's POV

Foxglove and Tay were trying to pick out their clubs. "What about 'Introduction to Ball Gowns?' They say it's as easy as Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo." Said Foxglove. "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo is overrated." Said Tay, not looking up from her paper. "Pixie dust is where it's at. Right Petra?" "Hm? Yeah." I said, deep in thought. I saw Tay shrug out of the corner of my eye and continue to sign up for clubs.

Then, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said. When no one protested I got up and opened the door. On the other side was Chad Charming, the boy I met yesterday. "Um, hi." I said, confused as to why he was here. "Hey Petra." He said, leaning on the doorframe. "I was wondering, has anyone given you a tour around yet?" "Audrey was, but I couldn't stand one more question regarding every aspect of my life." I said. "Why?" "Well, would you like me to give you a private tour?"

I was about to answer, when Foxglove yelled "She would love to!" From behind me. Chad looked at me for approval. "Well, you heard her." I said, smirking. "Give me an hour." "See you then." Said Chad. He winked at me before walking off.

I shut the door and was immediately met with Foxglove. "Oh my gosh!" "What?" I asked, alarmed. "He just asked you out!" She said. "I think he just wanted to give me a tour." I said, walking back over to my bed. "Oh, that's just the Peter in you talking." Said Foxglove. "Since when did my father become an adjective?" I said.

She didn't answer. Instead she pulled me over to my bed and started brushing my hair. "You have literal twigs in your hair." She said. "You try flying through trees all day and not getting dirty." I pointed out.

Someone knocked on the door, and Tay looked through the keyhole to see who it was. "It's that kid that fixed the electric panel." "I'll get it!" I said, jumping up and running to the door. I was much more excited for this guest then the last one. "Petra, your hair-" but I had already opened the door before Foxglove could finish.

"Hey Carlos." I said. "H-hey Petra." Said Carlos as he shifted around in his stance nervously. "Um, you okay?" "Uh, yeah I'm fine." He said. "I just wanted to thank you for the note, and the gift." "Don't thank me, you deserve it." I said, lightly punching his shoulder. Carlos still seemed nervous, so I asked again if he was alright. "Really, I-I'm fine." Said Carlos. We were both silent, until he spoke up again. "Hey, do you want to hang out today? With me?"

"Well, Chad wanted to give me a tour in an hour or so, but after that I'm free." Carlos' face fell. "If you're busy, then I'll just forget it." He said quietly. I shrugged and gave him a small smile. "Sorry. But how about tomorrow? I could teach you how to use the gift I gave you."

Carlos' face lit up slightly. "Alright. What time?" "Don't worry about that, I'll come pick you up." I said. I could tell he was a bit confused, but he agreed. "I'll see you then Petra." "Bye Carlos!" I said. Then I shut the door.

Carlos' POV

I knew Chad would beat me to her. Why did I even bother? I was broken from my thoughts when I slammed right into someone. "Carlos? What are you doing in the girl's dorm?" It was Evie. "Um, nothing." I said quietly. "Have you seen Jay anywhere?"

"You can't fool me, Carlos." Said Evie, ignoring my question and walking down the hall with me. "You came to see Petra, didn't you?" "How did you know-" "She asked about you." She interrupted me. That caught my attention and lifted my spirits higher. "She did? When?" "She's my Chemistry partner." Said Evie with a smile. "She asked who you were, and I told her you work on electronics a lot. Which explains how you fixed their power problem last night." "Did you tell her I was a DeVil?" "No, why?"

I sighed. "Peter Pan? The one who was willing to fight King Beast if he didn't send the villains to the Isle of the Lost? If Pan didn't like villains, you think his daughter is going to?" "Carlos, you'll have to tell her eventually." Evie said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But I don't have to tell her yet." I said. "Don't tell her, please?"

Evie rolled her eyes. "Fine, but when this comes back to bite you, don't come crying to me." Then she walked past me back to her dorm, leaving me with my thoughts.

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