6~Explanations and Introductions

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Woohooo!! Another snow day!! Updates to come. See you soon!

(Y/N) was still sobbing when the older woman from her dreams pushed to the front of the children. She dismissed them, saying that they had other things to do and that they would have time for introductions later. Although they complained a lot, they did as they were told and filed out to do their own things.

"Here, have some tea, Miss (Y/L/N)," the woman handed (Y/N) a cup and she took it gratefully before realizing that the woman knew her last name. (Y/N) looked up in alarm and the lady spoke before (Y/N) could say anything else. "It's quite alright. My name is Miss Alma LeFay Peregrine. Headmistress Peregrine if you are under my care, and Miss Peregrine if not. I have been waiting for you for a long time." When she noticed (Y/N)'s shocked expression, she added "I assume that you haven't the slightest idea about where you are and why you're here."

(Y/N) nodded and took a sip of tea. She sighed in relief as she felt all the pain ebb away from her head and ankle. The pain had only gotten worse as she had woken, and it made her wonder how it had worked so quickly. It also seemed to have an antidepressant in it because (Y/N) felt very peaceful, a stark contrast to the pain and fear she had encountered upon waking up.

"Oh yes, dear. I had almost forgotten! A slight concussion and a sprained ankle were the only injuries that you sustained during that run in the woods, among some other minor cuts and bruises. Very unfortunate, but you should be grateful that you came out alive after meeting that awful monster," Miss P remarked, noticing (Y/N)'s sigh. "I do hope the tea is helping, Miss (Y/L/N)."

As some of the details of her escape came back to her, (Y/N) remembered a boy. "Who was the boy who kept me from falling?" She asked.

"I will let him introduce himself on his own time, which I'm sure will be quite soon. He has many questions to ask as well."

"Okay, but who was that evil man who chased me?"

"That question will also have to wait, I'm afraid. It is a very sensitive topic, and you need much rest, especially considering your concussion. I fear that it might be too much strain at the moment."

"My grandfather is dead," (Y/N) said. The sentence seemed to echo back at her over and over.

"Well," Miss Peregrine seemed to quiet down a lot after she said that. "I'm sure that the children aren't going to take that very well. He was a great friend of theirs," she sighed. "It would be for the best if we didn't tell them quite yet."

"You knew him?" How is that even possible? (Y/N) wonders.

"Yes, we knew him very well. He was a wonderful man. We knew you were his granddaughter the moment we saw you. We were told that you and your cousin would be coming."

"My cousin? None of my cousins came with me," (Y/N) was confused. She only had a few cousins, and only one that lived near her—in Florida.

"No, nobody came with you. He isn't here yet, but we've been expecting him as well."

"Um, how long have I been here, then?" (Y/N) asked. She knew that Elise would be freaking out since she wasn't home last night.

"Two days and thirteen hours. You will have to stay at least four more days to heal enough to go outside of the loop."

"But Miss Peregrine, I need to get home now! My family will be looking for me. And what is a loop?"

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