Part Four

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Mary was wary about going to this party. She didn't really want to go, but she supposed she had to since her boyfriend, Darius was going. She adored Darius and he adored parties and she knew he was always the life in them and when he was around, mostly everyone around him had fun, because that's just that sort of person he was. But that still didn't make her happy about going and she was grumbling to herself as she pulled on a green dress that complimented her hair and skin, but did nothing to cover her body. Se hated her best friend, Every, for that.

"Mary, stop being a loser. You look sexy. Darius is going to lose his head when he sees you," Everly said with a smirk.

"Maybe I don't want him to lose his head," Mary grumbled and then brushed her hand over the front of the sequined dress before looking at herself in the mirror. The dress came a few inches down from her ass and was tight. Body hugging tight. Her boobs weren't that big, but the dress pushed her chest up and made her have cleavage. She could grudgingly appreciate that.

"Why wouldn't you, Darius is hot," Everly got a twinkle in her eyes and Mary shot her best friend a warning look. Her friend was a slut, she'd always been but Mary loved her like a sister anyway.

Truthfully, Mary didn't want to admit to a girl like Every that she was still a virgin. Everly had lost her virginity at 14 to some senior and she'd banged her way through half the world. Mary on the other hand had been dating Darius for 8 months and the farthest he'd gone was to feel her up and even then she'd gotten uncomfortable and told him no. She wasn't ready yet. There was nothing wrong with that, right?

"Anyway, let's go. I just saw Darius's car pull up," Every said and then hopped down the stairs in her impossibly tall heels. Mary didn't know how she could stand in them or walk when her dress was tight, short and booby hugging. Everly had been graced with a tiny waist and huge boobs and never failed to use it to her advantage.

Mary sighed and reluctantly followed after her.

Back at the party, Fawn was playing matchmaker again. Reagan's parents were out of town and her older sister, Jayden was at college, so she had the house to herself to do what she wanted. Currently, Reagan was dancing on the kitchen island and there was a crowd of people around her, cheering her on. Fawn was quite aware of Nate, brooding in the corner, watching her.

Fawn began to push her way through the crowd to her friend and when she reached Reagan, she reached out and grabbed the dancing girl's wrist. "Hey. Past. Get down from there. You're going to break your neck," Fawn hissed and tugged her gently.

Reagan pouted; she was clearly tipsy. "But I want to daaaance," she whined but eventually let Fawn persuade her down from the island. The people around them booed, but then dispersed to go back to the living room and dance to their heart's content. Seeing Reagan no longer surrounded by people, Nate pushed himself off the wall and began to make his way forward.

"Oh, I forgot, I have to go," Fawn said and before Reagan could question her, she ran off. She could still see the confused look on her face, but only smirked and hurried away from the two when she suddenly bumped into someone.

Fawn fell back but she was caught just in time by the guy she'd ran into. "Oh, I-," she was cut off by a cheerful voice.

"Hey there. I'm Jared Jenson."

In another part of the house, Elle was sitting on the guest bedroom, having a panic attack of her own. She didn't even know if she could go through with the plan. What if Darius rejected her? She'd feel so bad... well she already felt pretty bad. She was going to be attempting to break up the star couple in their high school. Elle held her head in her hands and shuddered. What if it failed? She wouldn't be able to handle his rejection at all.

"Elle?" She looked up when she heard her brother's voice. "You're not thinking of backing out on me, are you?" He looked so damn hopeless, she knew she couldn't. Not after she'd planned out the entire thing with him and Reagan.

"No, I promise I'm not. You'll get your girl, okay?" Elle tried to smile.

Seth grinned and came over and ruffled his hair. "Thanks, brat," he said and then shoved her facedown on the bed with a laugh before he darted out.


So this was more filler than anything. I'm lazy

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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