Making friends

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"Did you just say Lily KAREV??" Charles asks curiously.

" Yes,yes I did why?"

"It's just you appear to be so different than Alex."

"Seriously, when you get to know me I'm just like Alex, I'm probably worse than Alex, you know how people call Alex devil spawn?"

"Yep" Jackson questioned

"Well,people call me Satan spawn."


"I think it's because I was friends with Addison Montgomery, and she was called Satan and I was younger than her so I get called Satan spawn."

"Cool, so where do you work?" Charles asked

" Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital"

" What department?" April asked a little too enthusiastically

"Paeds do any of you work there?"

"Yes, I work in plastics, Charles works in general, April works in neuro, but Reed works in Paeds." Jackson explained

"Won't it be very annoying, working with your brother I mean?"

"It might be at first,but I'll get used to it."

"So, when's your first day?" April asked

" Tomorrow, excuse me, I'm gonna go talk to the others." And with that I walked away, but I swear I could feel someone staring at me, but I shrugged it off.

"Hey, so what party did I crash?"

"Lily!!!" Meredith ran over to me

"How have you been?"

"Great, I've been great!" I grin and take a seat over beside Arizona

"Hey, I think your gonna be my new boss!"

"What? How? Do you work at the hospital?" She questioned

"Yea, I actually only just got back from the hospital!"

"Anyway, you didn't crash any party, a few if us successfully completed a surgery that had only been preformed 4 times in the world so we had a party, your welcome to stay!!" Derek said

"So where are you staying?"

"Um, I don't know probably some hotel near the hospital, why?"

"Hey, why don't you stay with us, I mean we have like 3 extra bedrooms so you could use one?"

"No,I've only just got here and I'm asking too much!"

"No,honestly your not,I actually think it would do us good,have new conversation into the house." After he said this I began to think maybe it could work!!

"Ok,but are you sure you can handle having two Karevs' in your house?" I joked

"Haha, yes so where is your stuff?" Lexie asked

"In my car, I'll go get it"


After un-packing I lay on my new bed thinking on how I could repay Meredith,then I realised that there's a party going on downstairs!!

So I get up and go down stairs and sit in between Alex and Arizona

"So,who in the hospital do I stay away from or are they all fine?"

"Well,you could either befriend or stay away from Mark Sloan, Man-whore of the hospital, but other than that I think your alright!" Callie answered

"Ah,last time I was here the nurses where making a protest against him, how did that go?" I ask amused by my memory

"Oh,Bailey finally put a stop to it because it was annoying her" Alex sniggered

"Who's this?" a blonde woman that was rather tall walked through the back door.

"Uh,Lily meet Teddy, Teddy meet Lily, my sister"

"Oh, so you are the infamous Lily Karev!! I'm Teddy, Teddy Altman" she beamed

"Infamous? What?"

"You are very well known in the hospital, people call you the 'Younger Arizona" Owen explained

"Anyways, as much as id like to stay, I'm gonna go to bed now,first day back need to make a good impression!"

"Night, guys!!"


Hey so I hope you like my new chapter, next time we see some hospital action and some Avery POV!!!

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