Chapter 22: Return

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My bladder was about to explode as we entered the elevator in Stark Tower.

We had just gotten back from our Alaskan trip, which ended up being great! I got a nice tan and my hair is now slightly highlighted and longer. Dad liked it too, he was just always on the phone.

I crossed my legs as I stood there.

"You okay?" Dad asked me, seeming to notice how squeamish I was being.

"Yeah, I just really have to pee." I bobbed up and down in exaggeration.

"Well, 2 more floors to go!" He smiled.

We finally heard the ding and the elevator door opened. I saw our family yet ignored them, threw down my stuff, and ran to the bathroom.


"What's with him?" Steve asked.

"He had to pee." I smiled.

"How was the trip?" Steve asked.

"Good. Peter seemed to get more used to it than I did." I sighed.

"Tony, you didn't." Steve looked disappointed.

"What?!" I was confused by the soldiers sudden rage towards me.

"You didn't spend the whole trip bonding with your cell phone instead of your new adopted son did you?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I could have spent more time..." I looked at the floor, ashamed.


I heard an argument going on in the living room. Seriously?! We just got back and they're already going at each other.

"You should have spent that trip bonding with him! He never knew his father!" Steve yelled.

I frowned. I was surprised about the subject. They must have been talking about how Tony decided to spend more time on his phone than with me.

"I did spend time with him." He lied.

"No you didn't." I said as I walked around the corner.

Although only 2 people were talking, everyone was there.

"I'm sorry." Tony apologized.

"It's whatever." I sighed and flopped onto the couch, most likely looking like the most depressed teenager ever.

"He's a kid, Tony. And he's not gonna be one forever!" Steve said.

"Oh look at you Mr. Father of the Year! Oh wait! You don't have any kids!" Tony walked around Steve and sat on the rocking chair.

I stared at him and thought about all the great things this man has done for our country. He's stopped the world from ending for God's sake! Yet he still is human enough to have problems with their teenager. It made my eyes open to his emptiness. He didn't have a father his whole life. He was 20 when his parents died. I would forget what it would be like to have parents around too. I understood him. Yet I despised him.

"I hate you!" I yelled and walked to the kitchen.

I didn't know why I did it, but once I did, my heart felt broken. My heart was beating fast as if I was scared of something. I decided to sit down at the island and drink a soda.

My eyes felt droopy, and I wanted to fall asleep right there. So I did.


"Tony." I walked up to the couch potato and motioned him to come in the kitchen.

He walked in with me and saw Peter sleeping with his head in his arms.

"I swear Tony. Fix this." Steve pointed at Peter and then me. Meaning our broken relationship that was supposed to be resolved over the trip.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know. But just do something." He said, then walked out of the room.

How am I supposed to fix a broken relationship that I didn't know was broken?



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