Chapter 3 • The rule

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Eunha woke up to the sound of little birds chirping. She blinked her eyes open, letting out a soft groan as she sat up. Her muscles ached from the long hike it had taken her to get to Eyvenor, although she was sure sleeping against a tree didn't help either.

Once she had rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, the girl looked around her, noticing how different the meadow appeared in the morning.
Now that the sun had risen, the once so peaceful field had changed into one full of life.

Butterflies and bumble bees flew around the place in search for the sweet liquid known as nectar. Birds danced in the soft breeze, their singing and chirping accompanying the sounds of nature. Even the flowers seemed to have come alive as they proudly presented their beautiful colours and forms.

A smile curled on Eunha's plump lips as she was greeted by the beautiful day. That smile changed into a slight frown, however, as she recalled yesterday's events. The elves wouldn't help her. It felt like her goal of saving her mother had grown further out of her reach.

She sighed and stood up. She didn't really have a plan, but she thought it would be best to start moving.

According to the map she had studied at home, she would end up in the city of fairies if she walked south. Even just the idea cheered her up slightly.
Fairies were known to be nice creatures even though they didn't hold as much power as the elves.
Still there was a possibility that they could help her.

Eunha quickly ate an apple, drank some water, brushed her teeth and then packed all of her stuff again. She sniffed her dress only to be welcomed by the nice scent of flowers and vanilla.

At least she didn't smell bad.

She brushed her fingers through her soft hair; she had cut it recently so that the soap would last longer as it was quite expensive. Her brown hair now tickling the skin of her sensitive neck, going slightly past her chin, but not reaching her shoulders.

"Okay, let's go," she mumbled softly to herself after checking the field one last time, making sure she didn't forget anything. She grabbed her bag and started walking.

The weather was nice today, it was sunny but not too hot. She also liked how the occasional cloud floated by so that she could try and decipher what animal or object she saw in it.

The girl hadn't really seen a lot of people on her way to Eyvenor, only some elves walking in the distance, but that was it. The peaceful silence was something she normally really liked, but today she secretly wished for someone to talk to. Her head started to fill itself with all sorts of thoughts now that she didn't, worries to be more exact.

Worries about her mother, about her father, about Miyeong. She really hoped they were alright. She was normally the one who cooked the meals at home, but that was her father's task now that she had left.

Eunha also started thinking about stupid things, such as an exam she had coming up in a couple of weeks. She wondered if the neighbour's cat hadn't walked away, if her family's cat was okay, heck, she even regretted not cleaning the shards of glass in the hallway before going.
All of those thoughts just because of the annoying peaceful silence.

Trying to distract herself, she started humming random melodies. Old lullabies, nursery rhymes, songs popular in her town, it didn't really matter. She hummed her worries away, only stopping when she saw a figure standing in front of a large tree.

It was a male, a beautiful, charming-looking elf.
His hair was coloured a soft orange, his dewy skin clear from imperfections. His ears that curved up into a point were decorated with silver rings.
He almost looked like the example of a 'perfect' elf-boy, though one thing didn't seem quite; his height.

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