Chapter 1 • How it all began

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How cute is that cat, I'm soft.

The sound of little feet pattering along the wooden floor filled the dark hallway as Miyeong quickly ran into her sister's room. The fear of being caught by the monsters lurking in the shadows urged her to move faster, knowing that she would be safe if only she had her older sister to protect her.

A little gasp of relief escaped her pouting lips once she shut the door to said room behind her back, separating her from the scary darkness and giving her a sense of security as she turned around, eyes falling on the familiar small figure curled up under a thick layer of blankets.

"Eunha, wake up!" She whispered, her high voice breaking the silence in the room.

The young girl shivered, her little feet switching from one to the other as she tried to avoid the freezing cold floor, fingers fiddling in unease; she really hoped her sister would wake up soon.

As if hearing her thoughts, Eunha let out a soft groan in response, turning around slowly and snuggling deeper into her pillow, "Go away Miyeong, let me sleep."

Eunha was more than ready to give in to the feeling of exhaustion that tried to lure her back to sleep. Long days and short nights didn't go well with the amount of school work and house holding she had to do; the girl really needed to rest.

"But Eunha, I heard something! Noises coming from the garden! It was scary!" Miyeong insisted. Her heart was pounding loudly in her chest, her little hand desperately clutching at her sister's sleeve, begging her to listen.

Eunha tiredly blinked at the young girl who was looking at her with those big, innocent, doe-like eyes that ran in the family.
She indeed looked very scared, worried even, but being used to Miyeong's nightly wakings because of something 'scary', Eunha didn't think too much of it.

She definitely should have.

"Don't worry, flower. It's probably just the neighbour's cat crawling around the bushes. He's done that more often, right? Why don't you go back to bed and try to sleep some more, okay? It will be fine, I'm here to protect you. You don't have to be scared."
She spoke in a reassuring tone, a loud yawn leaving her lips after.

"I can't sleep, I had a dream."

"Really? I know how much I love to dream, it must have been nice. You can tell me about it tomorrow, alright? Maybe you can go and ask mum for some warm milk, she won't mind you waking her up?" Eunha felt a pair of lips pressing a little kiss to her hand, followed by the sound of her sister leaving the room to find their mother.

The girl let a lazy smile crawl on her face, turning back around again and pulling the comfortable blankets up higher until they engulfed her body completely. A content sigh escaped her lips as she snuggled closer into the inviting warmth. It didn't take long for her to relax back into a slumber, but before she properly could enter dreamland, Miyeong returned to her room with hasty steps. The little girl let out a gasp as she jumped onto her sister's bed, "Eunha, wake up! I can't find mummy anywhere!"

"Mmhmm?" Eunha hummed in question, not yet fully comprehending Miyeong's words. She had a hard time keeping herself awake, despite her sister's obvious distress.

"Mummy is gone! I can't find her!"

The older girl sleepily wiped the drool off her chin and sat up in the bed, her attention settling on her little sister. The panic was clear on her round face. Eunha even thought she detected tears brimming Miyeong's eyes, but wasn't sure as the room was very dark.

Noticing her sister's freaked out state, Eunha decided to abandon her precious sleep and calm the younger down. It was impossible for their mother to be gone, it was the middle of the night after all, she had nowhere to go. Miyeong must have accidentally not seen her and thus Eunha decided to help her.

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