The First Mission

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Recently Chris learning how everything worked around here: When you join this gang it's like a new beginning, you get 5k, a small apartment, a P250 with 3 mags and a fake ID, Passport and a description of your fake life. Chris was told to give everything that could be used to track him down and he can't even call his parents from a payphone because of reasons Chris couldn't to bothered to remember.

In a way he felt like being held prisoner, he can't run away or they would throw evidence of him doing a bank robbery. If he tried to arrest them he would have a bullet in his head. So Chris decided to lay back and enjoy his life while he still has it. It was 10:30 and Chris was tired from well, sitting around and doing nothing. He lay in bed wondering how long he'll last with a week of training and a pistol agaisn't the law. 

Chris was awoken to a loud knocking on his door, he groaned and got up checking his alarm realising it's midnight, he opened to door to his fellow friend, the man who kidnapped him, tied him to a chair and threatened to kill. He had some sort of evil grin on his face looking at Chris, hellish as ever he started talking with his "special" slang. "Sorry we got off on the wrong foot brovo, we hittin the farmers best pigs. We gonna be going in like a sneaky pete and finishing them off like a crazy hilbilly, I'm Anthony by the way, but you can call me the Krazy Killer".

His slang was so idiotic Chris was going to burst out laughing, but he kept his mouth shut in-case Anthony was a bit trigger-happy. "Come to my ride brovo, we makin some bacon tonight". Chris was pretty sure they weren't in a bulletproof car with blacked out windows and four guys carrying assault rifles with bulletproof jackets just to kill some pigs. Turns out he was going to attack a police station, break into the police cells to free some gang members. Chris still couldn't understand from what Anthony said meant attacking a police station. This was Chris's first mission and hitting a police station where swat teams would come to the rescue sounds more like a suicide mission.

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