Dixon Departed

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When you were young there was a boy who lived on the other side of the creek. He was a year older than you, and the first time you met he threw mud at you. The second time went a little smother, and the two of you swapped names.

He was Daryl. Daryl Dixon.

The more you talked the more you realized what you had in common.

His mom had died in a house fire that they lived in before they moved to their current house. Your mom had left you the first time Daddy had snaked her. Daddy made sure you knew that Mom left because she didn't love you.

Daryl didn't talk about his dad, but then again you didn't either until you showed up to the creek one day with a bruise on your cheek and Daryl demanded to know what happened.

When you told Daryl how you got it he showed you his bruises.

The two of you made a plan to run away from your families together. You would get the food and Daryl would get a car.

You never went through with it.

Daryl showed up one day to the creek with a cut on his back.

He stopped talking as much that day.

His visits to the creek became shorter and more spaced out.

And then he left.

He drove away on his brother's motorcycle.

Without you.

You would still go to the creek, hoping silently that he would be there with a grin on his face saying, "I came back just for you."

He never did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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