Chapter 3 (For You) Part 2

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            I make it home in minutes and rush to the bedroom. Arabella lays curled under the blankets, still fast asleep. Her long lashes cast shadows on her cheeks thanks to the sunlight escaping through the slightly parted curtains, and her soft hair hangs in her face. Her breath moves the few strands by her lips as she breaths.

            Only minutes ago, a man was in here holding her at gunpoint. He got in so easily and so quietly, she never knew what was going on. Gavin's men have made their way into our home. There's nothing stopping him from coming in whenever he feels like it. There's nothing stopping him from killing Arabella whenever he feels like it.

            I reach down and gently brush the hair out of her face. I can't let anyone hurt her. Not again. I lean down and place a gentle kiss on the top of her head before pulling the blankets over her more. I have to find some way to get out of Gavin's clutches.


            I wake with a slight shake. My eyes slowly open and are met with Derek's blue green eyes, the flecks of green more prominent than the blue. His dark hair is a wavy wet mess on top his head and a heart melting smile is spread across his face.

            "Morning beautiful." He says, the sound sending a chill through me.

"Hey." I respond, my voice thick from sleep.

"Sleep okay?" He reaches out and fixes my hair out of my face as I sit up.

"Mhm." I respond with a nod. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. My heart skips as my eyes meet with the tray of food on the nightstand. The delicious smell finally wafts to my nose and my stomach growls. Perfectly golden pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a steaming cup of coffee. "You brought me breakfast?" I look at him with wide eyes. "Oh, my gosh you're the sweetest. Thank you." I pick up the tray and place it on my lap.

"Yeah, well I just thought I'd do something nice for you." He lets out a soft laugh. "You're my girl, after all." He stands from his spot on the floor and leans down to place a kiss on top my head. "I have a few job applications to fill out, but I thought maybe we could go to the beach after. It's nice out and I think we should get out of the house."

"Yeah, sure." I nod in agreement. "Just let me know when you're ready to go."

"Okay." He gives a small smile before leaving the room.

Wow, breakfast in bed and a beach date? I wonder why he's in such a good mood. If anything, I thought he'd be a bit standoffish after my comments last night. We dismissed the subject, but the tension was there for the rest of the night. I guess we've just put a pin in it for now.

I finish my breakfast and leave the tray on the nightstand. Even though we're going to the beach, I shower anyway and brush my teeth. I brush through my hair but do nothing more leaving it to fall in its natural waves.

I search through my drawers for a decent bathing suit and come across a blue and white striped bikini. I take it out and slip it on, struggling to tie the tops strings behind my neck.

My phone rings on the bed and I rush over to answer it. I smile at Elliot's name on the screen and answer.

"Hey El. I was wondering when you'd call. How did it go last night?

"I'm engaged!" He exclaims.

"You're what?" I ask, not sure I heard him correctly.

"Your boy is finally, flipping engaged!" My heart pounds with excitement as a large smile spreads across my face. "I confronted him about the secrets he's been keeping. He explained how he was planning a surprise for our six-year anniversary coming up, and of course I thought he was just trying to save his ass by lying, so I asked for proof and he proposed."

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