#7 He finds out your pregnant

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THESE ARE NOT MINE. I was going to write my own but I'm lazy soo...

Okay, Now getting started here. (Oh BTW, please vote and follow! Then you wil get a lot more preferences.) Also, PRETTY PLEASE COMMENT PREFERENCES THAT I SHOULD DO. Lastly, Thanks for 1.6k. Scratch that too. When I was starting this, I was at 1.6k, But thx for 2k+


#7 He Finds Out Your Pregnant

Niall: "C'mon babe, have a pint," Niall encourages, handing you a glass of alcohol. You shake your head quickly, knowing you're not supposed to drink when you're pregnant. Problem: He didn't know yet. How were you going to tell him? You were both still so young, and his career...your career.... Niall gives you a confused look and sets the drink on the counter of the pub. "Princess, are you all right?" he asks softly, his blue eyes edged with concern. You shake your head and the tears start to fall without warning. "Oh!" he says quickly, surprised at how suddenly you'd broken down. "Come here." He wraps his arms around you softly, guiding you out of the crowded and bumbling pub. A cool breeze stings your cheeks as the two of you exit the pub, standing in a quiet area out back. "What's wrong? Are you all right?" he asks, wiping a tear from your cheek. "No, I'm not all right," you sniff, burying your face on his shoulder. "I think I know what's going on," he breathes, closing his eyes. "You're pregnant, aren't you?" You look up at him with stunned surprise. "How did you--," you begin, wiping your cheek with your sleeve. "You haven't been drinking at all and you've been acting all sad and checked out from conversations," he breathes. "I'm so sorry, Niall," you cry, falling apart in his arms. "Hey, don't be sorry, it's not your fault at all. We both got into this mess," he sighs, his voice shaky. "But you know what? Maybe this isn't the best timing, but we're going to be there for this baby and we're going to be the best damn parents in the world." You look up at him and offers you a reassuring smile. He was right.

Zayn: "Babe, I need to talk to you," Zayn steps into the living room, his face pale. "Okay, about what?" you ask, your voice chipper and casual. The only thing he could possibly be so...flustered about could be the fact that you're pregnant. But he didn't know yet, I mean, how could he know? "No, I need to talk to you, talk to you," he swallows thickly, walking over and taking your phone from your palm, setting it aside. You sit up, your heart filing with dread. "Are you pregnant?" he blurts out suddenly, his hazel eyes focused on his hands. Your breath hitches and you bite your lip. Silence. "(Y/N), please," he breathes, looking into your eyes. "I saw the pregnancy test in the garbage and..." You blink back a tear and nod. "Okay. I, I am. Zayn, I am. I found out yesterday and I didn't know how to tell you because this is the worst possible thing for your career right now and I..." He quickly cuts you off with a gentle kiss. "Maybe it's not the best for my career, but I don't care," he says honestly, squeezing your hand. "Even though this wasn't planned, life takes unexpected turns, and I love you so much, and...I'm going to be here with you every step of the way. We're going to raise this child and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it."

Liam: "Is it food poisoning, maybe?" you ask Liam weakly, clutching your stomach. You'd been getting sick for the past few days and Liam hadn't left your side, bringing you Ginger Ale and holding your hair back for you. "I don't think so, food poisoning doesn't last this long and you haven't eaten anything odd," he replies thoughtfully, running his fingers through your hair soothingly. "Maybe I've got the flu?" you suggest, hiding the thought buried deep in your mind. But the thought doesn't hide long. "Maybe...maybe you're pregnant," Liam whispers, squeezing your hand. Twenty minutes and a pregnancy test later, it's confirmed. "But we were so careful," you shake your head at the tiny pink plus sign, leaning back into Liam's arms. He says nothing, just holds you in his arms as you sob. "We're going to be good parents, though," he says quietly. "But we're so young and..." you protest. "Maybe we're young, but we're mature and in love and one day or another...we would've been having children, right?" he offers, kissing your cheek. "So, what's the harm in sooner than later?" He places his hand over your stomach gently, even though there's not much of a bump yet. "I love you, and I love this baby and nothing's going to change that." You smile at him, letting a tear slip down your cheek. "I love you and I love this baby, too."

Harry: "I need to tell you something, and you have to promise you won't freak out," you blurt out, sitting down next to Harry on the bed. He shuts his book and looks up at your curiously, his green eyes staring into yours. "I promise not to freak out." You nod slowly and grab his hand. "Harry, I don't want this to ruin your career, so if you don't want this, I understand and I'll do this on my own," you say quickly. "What? What are you talking about?" he says quickly. "Are you..." You nod. "Pregnant. I am. But you're at the peak of your career and we're both so young and, I..." you sniff. "(Y/N), if you think I'm going to let you do this on your own, you're crazy," he says finally. "If you think I'd actually leave you and our child for my career, you're REALLY crazy. I love you so damn much and I'm not leaving your side." You look at him, and he brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes. "This isn't the best time, of course it's not, but we've made a mistake and we've got to deal with it. But, you know what? Even if we didn't plan this or anything, I'm happy. I've always wanted to be a dad, you know?" You look at him, pretty surprised. "But Harry..." you mumble. "But, nothing! I love you and you're going to be an amazing mother and I'm going to be the best damn father I can be and if it ruins my career then I don't care. I'm not letting you go."

Louis: "Babe, please tell me what's going on with you," Louis sighs with exasperation, shaking his head. "You haven't spoken to me for the past two days! Did I do something wrong? Are you angry with me? Whatever it is, I'm sorry." His eyes are filled with hurt, and you wonder why you'd ever thought just ignoring him and trying to hide the whole thing was a good idea. "I'm angry at myself for letting this happen," you sigh, wiping a tear from your eye with your sleeve. "What happen? What's wrong?" he asks, gathering you in his arms. "I'm..." you trail off. He looks at you with confusion, but a look of realization passes over his face. "You're pregnant," he says simply. You nod, pulling out of his embrace. "I can't believe I let this happen, we're both so young..." you trail off. He reaches out and grabs your wrist gently, pulling you back. "Don't you dare blame yourself for this. It takes two, you know?" he says softly. A smile passes across his lips. "We're going to get through this, love. We're going to have a beautiful son or daughter," he whispers, rubbing your back in slow circles. "They're going to have the bluest eyes and the nicest smile. And most of all, they're going to have the best parents in the world." You look up at him and shake your head. "But Lou, I'm afraid," you confess, leaning against his chest. "So am I, (Y/N). But we'll figure it out together, everything will be okay," he soothes, kissing your forehead.

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