#18 He Cheats, While You Are Pregnant

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#18 He Cheats

Harry: You were laying on the couch, rubbing your belly as you watched some of the gossip shows on tv. You watched your belly rise and fall, knowing that you had a beautiful baby inside you. You had spent the whole day on your feet, walking around baby shops with your friend. Your husband Harry was away on tour, but he was due back in two days. You had gotten everything for the baby’s room, and you were just waiting on the painters to come tomorrow. You were having a boy and couldn’t be more excited. As you were lost in thought, you hear the voice from the TV say “Harry Styles out with another woman?” you turn, not believing it but just out of curiosity. You see the pictures of him at the club with a blonde. She didn’t look a day over 18 and, now that you and Harry were in your late 20s, this worried you. You kept watching and there was a video of them leaving together. That couldn’t be photo shopped. You felt tears sting your eyes as you grabbed your phone. There was a text from Harry ‘Hello babe, we need to talk. Call me when you get a chance xx’. “You’re damn right we need to talk” you say as you call Harry. “Hello love” he says in a somber tone, knowing what was coming. Instead of yelling and freaking out, you remain calm. “We had a family, Harold. I am eight months pregnant. You threw it all away for some 18 year old? Why? Why would you do that? To me? To us? To him?” you say, now broken down in tears and rubbing your belly. “I am so sorry Y/N. I know. I fucked up. Bad. I promise you nothing happened. We hung out at the club and she came back to the hotel. But I slept on the couch. I know you have no reason to believe me, but I swear to god it’s the truth.” You were silent. You wanted to believe him, but it still made you mad that he did what he did. “You listen to me Harold. You better do some damage control. Apologize on twitter, talk to fans, whatever it takes. I don’t want to be embarrassed by hearing about this forever. Just clear it up. I need some time. We will talk tomorrow.” “We’re already working on it, Y/N. I am so sorry and I love you so much. Call me when you’re ready to talk.” You hung up the phone and cried, not sure of what else to do.

Liam: You were five months pregnant and planning your and Liam’s move. You were stressed and Liam was not helping much. He seemed to always be gone. Physically and mentally. When he was around, he just was kind of ‘there’. Floating around in a routine that he didn’t seem to enjoy. One evening, he said he had to go out to meet with Niall. He left but forgot his phone, so you text Niall to tell him to tell Liam not to worry because you had it. ‘How am I supposed to tell him, Y/N? He’s not with me’ you read the text from Niall and your stomach dropped. You went out, got in your car and drove around. You didn’t expect to find Liam, but you stumbled across an Italian restaurant that was surrounded by paparazzi. You took your chances, parked your car and headed into the restaurant. In the back corner you see Liam sitting with Danielle. You stood there, shocked. Danielle noticed you first and when she saw you, she looked ashamed. She tapped Liam, he looked at her and looked to see where she was looking. He made eye contact with you, and you went for the door. You heard Liam stand up and chase after you. You got to your car and Liam tapped on the window. You rolled it down and his mouth runs a mile a minute trying to explain himself. “Enjoy your dinner. See you at home.” you spit as you drove off. He stood there, arms waving. You got home and storm into your living room. You were surrounded by baby stuff and it made it all too real. You began to bawl and sob. As you were about to get up to go change for bed, the door creaked open and Liam sneaked in. You stare at him and he looks shocked to see you. “I thought you’d be in bed” he said, looking at the floor. “I’m going now. You sleep on the couch. Or at Danielle’s, maybe that’s better.” “Y/N, I promise you I never did anything with her. I just felt like, I don’t know, we lost our spark or something” he said, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. That stung more than him being with Danielle. “And you thought cheating on me would make it better?” “I don’t know what I thought, but now I know that I don’t want to be without you. I left the restaurant right away and drove around. I imagined my life without you and I couldn’t stop crying. I need you. I just wish I could have felt this before I met with Danielle. I only met with her twice, I swear. And it was the biggest mistake of my life. I understand if you want me to leave, but I don’t want to lose you” he was sobbing at this point, and you wrapped your arms around him. He cried into your shoulder. “Sweetie, we will get through this. It’s okay. We just need to talk about things if they bother us. We need to work on our communication.” “I will. I will do anything” he said and he looked at you. You gave him a kiss and then took his hand and walked into the bedroom.

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