Chapter Five

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Quick AN: I hadn't planned to update today, but after the tremendous support I received for this story, I had to! Thank you guys so much!


This had to be the most fucking uncomfortable location. What the fuck, Kota?

Gabriel rolled his shoulders once before shooting a glare down at the forest floor. Couldn't there be rocks or something? Fucking grass stains. Trying to ignore how shitty his resting place was, Gabriel turned his attention back to the room. His brothers were dispersed throughout the area, most lost to their thoughts.

"Oi," Gabriel broke the silence, "Isn't this supposed to be a meeting? Why aren't we fucking talking?"

"Language," Kota scolded halfheartedly, pausing in his reading. His glasses were perched on the edge of his nose and Gabriel could hear the words repeated through his thoughts. Kota blinked his green eyes once before addressing Gabriel again, "You should have told us about this before."

Letting out a distressed groan, Gabriel glared at Luke. The spirit of mischief just smiled guiltily and Gabriel scoffed before turning back to Kota, "I was going to eventually—"

"This is an important matter, Mr. Coleman," the voice was sharp and Gabriel eyed the figure resting against the oak tree, "The fact that she created such a powerful summons is already worrying, but to feel physical contact? Impossible."

"That's what I thought too, Mr. B," Luke finally joined the conversation, "But she can! I don't know how she can do it, but I felt it too. It was like a dream..."

This is not time for your fucking daydreaming, Gabriel shot his partner in crime another glare. It was Luke's fault he was in this situation anyway. They'd showed up for the meeting in the god-awful forest, but Luke couldn't keep his damn thoughts to himself. No one had really given a damn until North went too deep and started yowling about Sang. That's when everything had gone up shit creek.

"Something will need to be done," Owen Blackborne skillfully ignored Luke's input. His grey eyes were analyzing Gabriel intently, "She's human. Do you understand what she could do to you now?"

"Yeah, yeah," Gabriel grunted under his breath, "Trust me, I fucking know. I'm not too worried though, Sang's as fucking skittish as a kitten."

"Sang?" Kota's head perked up from the book he'd been skimming through, "That's a weird name."

"I don't really care about her name," a redhead lifted his head from its reclining position. Meeting eyes with Gabriel, Nathan continued, "Is she cute?"

"Nate," Kota scolded before closing his book with a snap. The second in command turned his attention to Mr. Blackborne, "I haven't found anything about this in the archives, but I can find more information if you need me to."

"Please, Mr. Lee," Mr. Blackborne lowered his head in thought. Everything was silent for a moment before his eyes scanned over the grouping, "Am I correct in assuming you are all curious about this girl? Even with the possible complications?"

Gabriel answered first, "Fuck yes."

"Sure," Nathan rolled onto his stomach before perching his chin in his palms, "It beats accepting random summons."

Two voices whispered together in the background, one voice calm while the other was a deep growl. During that distraction, Luke answered Mr. Blackborne's question, "She's really not that bad. A little socially confused, but I can work with that. Maybe we can prank people together... it'd be so much easier with the help of a human."

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