Chapter Four

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Her room felt crowded.

Both Luke and Gabriel were large boys and they practically dwarfed her bed. Leaning against the wall, Sang took the time to observe them.  They were involved in a conversation though no words passed between them. Perhaps they had mind reading powers too?

The newest boy, Luke, was dragging a hand through his long blonde hair. It cascaded over his shoulders in a easy way, though Sang was sure it was styled to perfection. There was no way it fell naturally. She focused on his eyes next. Those playful brown orbs no longer looked as carefree, obviously whatever they were saying wasn't pleasant. They were still beautiful though and even from her distance, Sang could tell the boy had gorgeous eyelashes. Every time he blinked they graced his cheeks.

Maybe perfection was a genetic trait of spirits.

Her older... companion? She wasn't sure what to call Gabriel. He wasn't a friend, nor was he a stranger. Sang didn't know him, but she sort of resonated with him. He'd been the one to drag her into this mess and obviously the boy was just as confused as her. Anyway, his blue eyes were sparkling. Not in a pleasant way, but they didn't appear malicious either. One of his blonde strands hung in his face like a veil and Sang wondered if it was intentional. Was he trying to hide?

Either way, he was just as beautiful as Luke. Both boys seemed to have a permanent light radiating from them.

"The bleach has gone to my head," Sang muttered, breaking the spell between the two boys.

Luke turned toward her, "You say something, cupcake?"

"Nothing important," Sang deflected, "Uhm... I don't mean to be rude, but why are you still here?"

"Trying to get rid of us?" Luke smiled to show he was teasing, "We just want to make sure you're okay."

"Did you wash that shit off yet?" Gabriel imputed himself into the conversation, blue eyes scanning over Sang with finesse, "Those jeans are fucking hideous."

"..." Sang peered down at herself, responding the only way she knew how, "I'm sorry."

"Hey now, no need to apologize," Luke jumped off the bed, effectively making Sang push into the wall. His brown eyes flickered with an unknown emotion, "We aren't going to hurt you, Sang."

He could be lying, a voice whispered across her mind, don't trust them. Placing her palms flat against the wall, Sang tried to swallow her nerves, "How do you two know my name? I never told you."

"Your sister's got a big ass mouth," Gabriel snorted before leaning against her pillow, "I could have heard her from across the fucking town."

"You were here?" Sang's green eyes widened at that bit of information. How much had he seen?

Shrugging his shoulders, Gabriel replied, "Never fucking left. Seriously, couldn't you do something exciting for once? All you ever do is fucking clean and shit."

"But..." Sang glanced at Luke with a frown, "He said you talked to everyone."

Scrunching up his nose, Luke answered, "We don't actually talk... more like... communicate?"

"Way to be fucking vague," Gabriel snorted, "We're spirits Sang, laws of nature don't apply to us."

"Can you fly?" Sang brought a finger to her mouth after the question left, "I'm sorry... that was a silly question."

The boy exchanged looks before Luke laughed her apology off and took a step toward her, "Nope, can't fly. Well, I guess we can float. Does that count?"

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