Narrative thinking

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Author's note: im probably gonna write badly.
oh boy.
Also, it's a new narrative-style thing that kind of represents Hajime's thoughts.
It's kinda confusing.
Oh well.

Non-despair college AU

Hajime Hinata's POV (aka thought process)

A normal day.
Too normal.
Just like me, to be frank.

He would always wake up before me.
Who, you may ask?
Nagito Komaeda.

We are both roomates and we go to the same college.

The faint smell of coffee would always roam around the apartment each morning. It's always really refreshing. I always inhale some of that aroma before doing my usual routine.

Brush my teeth, change clothes, eat breakfeast and go to school.
It repeats itself every morning.
Like an endless loop.

The only thing disorting that loop was Komaeda.
He always made me nervous and short of breath.
Not like anyone else.
It is love, I suppose.
I am in love with him.

Does he know that?
Haha, of course not.
Society says it's not normal,
And I am part of it.
"Close friends" is what we're called.
And I honestly don't mind that.

It's better this way.


-After school-

"A party? Where?" I tilted my head. "Apparently, it's in the same appartment building we live in. Want to go there with me?" Komaeda smiled.

I don't want to go...

"Ah, sure. No problem. When does it start?" I mentally sighed at myself.

"At six. Don't be late, okay?" I just nodded in response and walked away.

A party, huh...


-At 6 pm-

Why did I agree to go...

I still forced myself to go to that party.

Regret everywhere.

I'm not fond of alcool, but Komaeda, on the contrary, drinks way too much of it.

He was doing...
Concerning actions.

Gazing from afar, I would notice his every move.

The way he flirts with other people, or touches other people, or just glances somewhere, I notice every move.

...Kind of creepy, huh.

He's looking towards me?
Pretend you never even looked in his direction.

My heart is beating too fast for this.
It's just a simple glance, why am I so worked up about it?
I'm starting to turn red.
I'll just blame it on the alcool, if I start to stutter in front of him.
Yeah, pretend like everything is fine.

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