choosing time

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When we got to our hotel, it was 5ish. The trip didn't include meals so kids had to go out and buy their own. I knew Ryan was going to break up with Laura,so I knew I had to choose soon.

Me and Laura's room was large with two queen beds. There was a large bathroom too. At 6, the four of us had dinner plans at gorgeous restraunt in the heart of London. I still didn't know what I wanted to do. I went and toke a shower. Showers always made me feel better. I got underessed slowly, taking my time and thinking things over. I stepped into the large marble shower. The water felt good and warm. I could a) stay with Dylan b) go with Ryan c) die in a hole.

By the end of the shower, I still had no clue but I had an idea. I wrote down Austin's address in my phone gps. Only 20 minutes walking. I got changed in a pair of high waisted shorts and a floral top. I paired it with a pair of converses and curled my hair. I knew it was raining so I put on a military type jacket.

"Laura, if I don't come back in 2 hours, I'll be at this address" I gave the piece of paper

"No you just can't leave"

"Well I am" I snapped to her

"Ok well then" she said, putting the piece of paper in her clutch. I grabbed my hobo Michael Kors bag and left. Passing down the hall though I heard the boys laughing. Maybe if I ran it would be easier? No instead Laura had to come out running.

"Hey Candace isent this the hot college boy's address?" screamed Laura. I nodded and crossed my arms and walked quickly. That's when they opened the door.






"Wait who's?"asked Ryan. I think I haven't ran faster. While I was running I called up Laura on her phone. She answered.

"Laura. give me 2 hours. Don't call or don't follow me. And please don't give them the address" i said.

"Sure Candy" she said and then I heard the boys voices. Mixed but I could pick out certain ones.

"Should I go after her?"

"Give me the address"


"She could die"

I ended the call. I got out of the hotel in a matter of seconds. I ran down the street but I turned around to see Ryan running behind me. I knew he would catch up. I knew it but I didn't want it to happen. But he did

"Candy, CANDY stop" he yelled

"Ryan, just leave me alone" he was so close now. Probably 20 feet so I stopped running. He grabbed onto my shoulders and slid his hands downs to meet mine.

"Do you love me back?" He asked.


"Then run away with me"

"We cant" I replied.

"But your leaving"

"For now, but I'll be back"

"So I'll come with you"

"You can't Ryan" I said, feeling all the energy leave my body. I pulled Ryan to the nearest alley. He looked surprised. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. A long one and he grabbed my waist. Maybe his hands got a little low but it felt right. Like we were meant to be. After we ended it, our lips were still close, and we both didn't move away. I saw his perfect eyes again and I fell in love again.

"You have to let me leave for 2 hours" I said.

"Ok babe" he said while pulling me in for a second kiss. I pulled away knowing they could come any second.

"No your gonna have to wait till later" I said, winking. He laughed kissing my cheek.

When I got to the address, I was really nervous. It was acaully a really nice building and i wasent sure if I even was at the right building but I knocked. Austin answered the door and heart flipped.

"Hey love" he said while kissing my cheek "come in" he was so friendly and inviting I felt like I belonged here. Inside was a nice sized apartment and all of his friends on the boat were sitting watching a game on the tv.

"So what's up?" he asked, sounding kind of nervous himself

"I was just checking up" I said while smiling

"Well that was nice of you" laughed the tall one. "sit" he said pointed to an open chair. I sat down leaving my purse on the ground. It was kind of awkward at first but then the tall one put his arm around me, like we were 13 at the movies.

"Oh by the way I'm Richard and this is Patrick and William" he said while pointing to the other delicious looking boys. The boys were just confident around me and they acted like I came every Thursday. After 30 minutes I got a little tired and Austin could see. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. I got a little worried and embarrassed that I was going to fall asleep in a room filled with hot college boys. When Austin laid me in the bed, I didn't let go and tugged him in with me. We were spooning. Oh god. I could feel his ripped muscles hold onto my hands and him breathing on my neck. Ugh he was so perfect.

When I woke up it was bright out. OMG. I slept for along time. I was missing the warmth I felt when I fell asleep. Someone opened the door and it was Richard.

"Here's one of Austin's shirts if you want to change" he said throwing me a v neck black top. I went into the bathroom that was connected to his room and got the shirt on. It was big and showed a little cleavage but it was sexy and I liked it. I walked out to see almost everything how we left it.

"Do you guys even move? just saying." I said.

"Sometimes" Austin said coming out of the full bathroom with just a towel on.

"Oh sorry" I said covering my eyes.

"It's fine"he said. I uncovered my eyes to see an 8 pack. I think it should be illegal to be this gorgeous!

"Wow" I said, then figuring out I said it out loud. Austin and Richard burst out into laughter.

"Sorry whoops I didn't mean.. I mean wow but like sorry about saying wow like c'mon though like what is that 2..4..6..8.. I mean you have an 8 pack. What did you expect? Sorry oops again" I said. Was I always this embarrassing. They kept laughing thought and then Austin got changed. When he came out I started making eggs. He came up behind me and hugged me. A little too comfortable in my opinion but he was still gorgeous so it was fine.

"hii" I said.

"Hey" he said in a husky voice. I could've died. Then I wrapped my arms around him and we walked to the couch. Then the door knocked and someone screaming Candy. It was Dylan and Ryan.

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