The new job

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I've never been so confused in my life. My best friend who I've known my whole life tells me that hes actually not gay and to top it off he professes his love for me. I never seen this coming.

were their signs i never noticed?

How did i not see it?

was it obvious?

Those questions rang through my head as the water dug into my scalp and ran don my face.

"babe!" mason called on the other side of the door. I answered as he startled me.

"yea"i said focusing on the water now digging into my face.

"you might want to get out early in order for you to get those jobs" he said i smiled thinking how much he actually cared and turned off the water.

once i got out i pulled my wet hair into a messy bun and put my clothes on. i had black jeans on with a New York sweater over a white T-shirt and some white vans. i opened the room door and a cool breeze hit my face as i went to my dresser to get my hand purse. i looked in the mirror and saw how pale i looked. a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as i smell his fragrance.

"Don't worry babe you'll get a job today and well be on track" he said diving his ace in my neck. i turned around in his arms and pecked his face. from the corner of my eyes i could see the time it read 12:00.

"Speaking of being on track I've gotta go" i said  i pulled out of hid arms to grab everything else.

"Wait one more kiss" he said pulling me back. i smiled and kissed him again and was on my way out.


Hardware store, hair salon, and grocery store were the only jobs i could get an interview with. Everything else was in no need of help so my luck was changing rapidly.

I got into my car and settled in buckling up an incoming call rung through my car. I flinched in reaction forgetting i have my phone connected to my car. i looked at the screen to see babe. i smiled and hit the answer icon. Before i could say a thing he started speaking.

"so i was thinking in celebration we could go out and" i stopped his sentence and said

"wait slow down Mason i didn't even get to say anything" i said starting the car .

"and secondly i don't know if i got the job or nah i have to wait to get their call." i said. I could hear him laughing in the background as i said it.

"whats so funny?' i asked pulling out of the parking  lot.

"your too darn cute you know that" he said. i could feel my cheeks burn as i looked ahead passing the bowling ally.

"Thanks babe but you don't have to say that." i said

"come on reed you know you are"he said chuckling i smiled at his remark and nodded knowing he cant see it.

Looking at the clock it read 2:42

"Look babe i gotta go do one more interview listen out for those calls okay" i said pulling up to another curb.

"yea most def i love you" he said happily

" Love you too big head" i said as fast as i could to hang up

"Hey i heard"i heard him say before the call ended.

Once i parked i turned the car off and got out locking the doors. i looked up at the sign that shined bright as the night sky was getting darker by every hour.

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