chapter 10-good morning to me

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(Hayley's p.o.v)

I woke up really early today,got up from the bed and saw Jake sleeping behind me peacefully like a butterfly,I smiled at how he was looking,even with his hair over the place he was still cute.

"I hurried myself up to go and bathe so as to not wake him up,when I was done,I knew I had forgotten my clothes in the room,damn me as I cursed myself out loud,so I tied my towel and went back to the room,thinking Jake was still asleep since I saw him on the bed lying down,I quickly went to grab my things,but since he was sleeping so soundly and he didn't hear me singing at the top of my lungs in the bathroom I can change here,he's probably a deep sleeper anyways,already on my pant and bra,I removed the towel and was collecting my clothes from my box when I heard his voice.

"Well good morning to me,what a beautiful thing to wake up to he said."

"I froze there,not knowing what to do,I realized that I was on my bra and pant now."

"For fuck sakes I screamed ,cover your eyes,you are soposed to be asleep I said as I quickly grabbed my towel and tied it up to myself,thank God I was wearing my black Victoria's secret collection today."

"Well sorry,but you looked really hot I couldnt help it he said smirking at me."

"I started blushing,I felt like I was going to burn myself with the way my face was heating up."

"Whatever I said turning back to wear my bomb short and big t shirt,after that I rapped my hair into a messy bun."

"I like your outfit he said."

"I looked at what I was wearing,nothing really nice about it but not to sound rude,thanks I muttered."

"He pulled his shirt off.. and oh how I was lost just gazing at him,he was really amazing to look at,his well structured body,so firm yet soft."

"He pulled his pants off and now my face was begginig to turn to a red tomato when I looked away,what the fuck ate you doing? I asked."

"He let out a laugh,and even though I wasn't looking I knew the laugh reached his blue eyes and made them sparkle."

"Going to take my bath of course."

"You don't have to pull your clothes here I said."

"I know but I want to."

"W well I will be outside waiting for you,I stuttered."

"Sure he said."

"As I managed to look up again ,he was smirking devilishly at me."

"I rushed out feeling both embarrassed and flushed..embarrassed he saw me practically nacked and flushed because I was blushing beyond control."



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