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When He Meets Her

Disclaimer:Its a fictional story. All characters, names, places, etc are fictional and resemblance to an person living or dead is pure coincidntal.

A story full of twist, confusion, adorable bickering and love.

destiny conspired to make them meet where they started their roller coaster ride like love-hate relationship that changed the world around them.

she slipped over something and closed her eyes to embrace the pain her butt would soon be feeling. suddenly she felt a pair of arms around her waist , her hand around someone's neck and a deep husky voice said "Don't worry ,dear. Your knight in the shining armour or rather in expensive armani suit will never let you fall. But how hard I try I can not save you from falling for my charm or for me, my bella. At least open your eyes to see him." She opened her eyes and saw the most beauiful shade of green eyes but they were cold n void of human emotions.

"You can never be anyones knight in the shining armour, especially not mine" "you are an irritating, arrogent, full of your cockiness , heartless jerk. moreover you are an alive walking price tag machine""but i must say you hold an important role in the damsel in distress scene, wanna guess which?" "oh! dont stress this pretty little mind of yours. you are the ugly, rude monstrous villain in that tale. You have already ruin my day but please don't ruin someone's else 'good day'! Lastly, Bye!" huffing she turned around and exited the park n soon disappeared among the crowd. Adam was shocked, to say the least ,and all he could do was to see her leaving.

Story revolves around two main characters.

Shreya Mehra is an average Indian girl with chocolate eyes, dark brown hair and light tan skin tone. she is all set for the new adventure in her life as she shifted to New York a year ago and now is in 2nd year of her university.

Alexander Zade , a rich , cocky British guy with blond hair, green eyes and athletic build body. He is a cold, heartless and thinks that money rules the world

Started this book on: 6th Feb, 2017

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