Chapter 5

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The fact that I was pretty much blackmailed to move from La Push to San Francisco was bad enough but now I'm finding out that I'm going to have to, under no discussion or complaints, have to start a brand new school on what? My third freaking day here? Like geez women let me have my jet-lagginess. It's way too soon too! Who joins a new school in November? Does she even understand how much work I will be forced to complete. That I'll have to work way harder than anyone else because I'm so behind? No. She doesn't. That's because she's being fucking selfish! I mean I've been nice. I've been overall a good girl.. in a sense. Still, I've been doing everything I've been told with no disagreement. And this! This is how she repays me? By forcing me to start a brand new school! I'll be a laughing stalk! This is total teenage suicide! I just can't do this! I couldn't do it! I wasn't ready!

"Christian, honey, hey. Calm down okay." Valeria tried to soothe. I couldn't calm down. I wouldn't. I thought I was completely fine now, that I wouldn't have anymore attacks or anything like that because it hadn't happened. Maybe because I felt safe in La Push, like nothing would ever go wrong. So I thought about home. I thought about my father and siblings. I thought about why I was here, to protect the ones I love. Then I thought about the ones I loved. I thought about my sister Sarah, and how we used to think we were twin sisters because we were born around the same time, about how we would dress up matching all the time when we were younger. I thought about how we looked absolutely nothing alike but still everyone believed we were twins. I thought about Allie, my sweet little sister Allie. How much she would beg me to give her makeovers whenever Sarah turned her away. I thought about Ben, and how one day pretty soon he would be a shapeshifter like I am, and how I wanted him so much not to be one because then he would suffer through the pain exactly how I did. Little Lindsay and her little pranks she would pull on everyone with me. I thought about how she was going to take over and be the prankster in the house while I'm gone. Abigail and her sports. She loved to play anything that was sporty. She never wore dresses or anything too fancy unless she was forced to. I always laughed when I would see Tori's reaction to her daughter wearing sneakers with a dress. Then I thought about the twins, Evan and Lily. What would they become? They were still very little, only five years old. Would they remember me? Or the fun times we had? Or will they only hear about the bad times? The times where I argued and always left. The thought of the two of them possibly only remembering me as a spoiled ungrateful brat made me start to sob. Instead I thought about the pack and how much I cared really for all of them. I felt bad that I left. But I also felt happy that they were all going to be okay. They wouldn't get hurt if I wasn't around. I felt my wolves heightened emotions run through me faster than anything in this world. I felt the anger, sadness, content, sadness, then anger again. The wolf inside of me began to shake and I closed my eyes inhaling deep breaths. 

I thought about him. His beautiful brown eyes that held a sparkle brighter than the sun. The way his cheekbones were defined and perfected. God, the amazing haircut I had given him, I would never tell him but I kept his hair for hours after that day. His smile was the brightest out of the pack and his laugh was completely contagious. I felt my heart rate slow as I felt myself begin to relax. 

"I'm okay." I sighed as my breathing got back to normal and I felt myself start to relax.

"Christian, why are you bleeding?"

"I-I don't know. I had a dream last night, I was in a field filled with, " I debated on whether or not to talk about the woman or dead bodies. "with blood around me and my stomach sliced. I woke up and I was bleeding." Her eyes grew wide. I decided it wasn't best to leave certain details of the dream I had to myself. 

"We have to start magic training sooner than I had thought." She spoke. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I wanted to teach you more about our history before we started training but this means, your magic is coming and it's the start of it overwhelming you completely. I've got to call your grandmother." I furrowed my eyebrows as she walked off quickly. What did this all mean? I did this to myself? I mean the ball happened and I obviously did that. But this was from inside of a dream. I didn't even think that was possible. I looked up as Eliza came in taking a seat beside me. 

"You know school isn't so bad here." She said nonchalantly picking up a waffle and beginning to butter it. "There's lots of other people, I'm sure more activities than where you're from. Not trying to say that in a mean way." She turned quickly. I nodded my head slightly smiling. 

"What do you know about dreams?" I questioned her. She looked up at me in surprise.

"I'm sure mom could explain all of th-" 

"I'm asking you. Please." I cut her off. She sighed. 

"Is this about last night?" She questioned. I nodded my head. "What exactly were you dreaming of? And what were you feeling?" 

"It's hard to say. Despair and pain, maybe." She nodded her head. 

"Well sometimes dreams act as a way of communicating how you feel and revealing itself to you." 

"But if I got hurt in a dream and woke up hurt?" She put down her food before looking at me curiously. 

"What happened?" I began recounting parts of the dream from the night before and she followed along. "I don't think I've ever heard of something happening like that. I know at times, our family especially has this sort of sixth sense. Like visions, almost of the future or past. Maybe it could be that? I would call grandma. Mom tends to freak out about everything." I nodded my head. Visions? Was this just that? A vision and my magic somehow made me hurt myself? Was my mind playing tricks on me? I'm so confused about everything. There's just so much that I don't understand, it's almost impossible. I just need to be patient, but patient is not one of my qualities.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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