Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes staring at the ceiling in silence. I slept awful. I felt awful. Whatever that dream was, lingered. I felt pain. I'm not exactly sure what it is I feel pain about exactly. But it was intense. I sat up slowly and winced as my abdomen hurt. I looked down with wide eyes. There was that. Whatever that dream was, physically hurt me in real life. I stood carefully and made my way to the bathroom. My hair was a disaster sat upon the top of my head like rats nest. My eyes were swollen from the crying I had done the night before. I slowly lifted my shirt and gasped at the size of the cut. 

"Oh god." I whispered. Purple surrounded the area ever so slightly. I'm so confused. I don't understand what's happening, why hadn't it healed? I opened the cabinets looking for anything that could help. Gauze and alcohol is what I found. "Okay." This is something I did not enjoy. I absolutely hated actually. The burning sensation of applying alcohol to a wound. And I was the biggest baby when it came down to it. I can do this. I huffed. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. You can do it! "Ahhh." I quietly cried out as I applied it to my abdomen. "Motherfucker." I cried. It's okay. It's okay. Not a big deal! I grabbed the gauze and covered it before placing medical tape around it to help stay. Amateur doctor here! 

Was that? I turned my head to the door of the bathroom before leaning closer to the door. Was that my dad's voice? Was he here?! I quietly opened the bathroom door and peaked out. 

"I didn't call her here, do not blame me!" I heard Valeria's voice. I furrowed my brows. She's on the phone with him. I stalked down the hallway ever so silently. 

"Why else would she leave? Go after you? You had to have contacted her! It's all your fault!" His voice spoke. I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Maybe because you and your family made her feel like some sort of unimportant outcast! Yeah she told me the way you've all treated her! That's not right!" 

"Hey! You abandoned her! Not me! I took her in." He defended. He made it sound like I was such a burden. I wasn't listening to this anymore. I turned to go back to my room before colliding into the man from the day before and tumbling backwards. 

"Whoa there. You alright?" His british voice questioned. I sighed and nodded my head. 

"Yeah sorry about that." I said quietly in hopes Valeria wouldn't notice. But I heard her footsteps. 

"I've got to go." She spoke into the phone before hanging up quickly. "Thank you, Mr. Walsh. Good morning, Christian. How did you sleep?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright, I guess." She nodded her head. 

"How much of that conversation did you hear?" 

"Enough." I replied bitterly. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I had to. I had to let him know you were okay." I nodded my head. "You know he was very upset that you were gone." She said. Yeah right. He was probably upset because I couldn't make it to his family ball. "Christian. He misses you, they all do I told him that you'll be staying here for a while and that when you feel up to it, you'll return. Of course you feeling up to it means not until you're used to the magic in your blood." I sighed my arms crossed and curiosity peaking.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that he misses you." She said with a small smile. I frowned. Why wouldn't it matter?

"That's it?" I asked. She looked off to the side a moment and for a moment I caught a glimpse of the worry that shone brightly in her eyes. Then it was gone, replaced by a shield of no emotion. Then she looked back at me and smiled.

"Yes that's it." She nodded her head as she spoke. She then looked around awkwardly. "Are you hungry?" She asked changing the subject. Why is she acting so secretive? What? Does my father now know I'm a witch and wolf? No. She wouldn't tell him that but she's definitely keeping something from me. I narrowed my eyes looking her up and down.

"Starving." I responded. 

"I thought so! I fixed up a great big ol' brunch for all of us." She smiled. I raised an eyebrow peeking into the kitchen. Wow. Pancakes. Waffles. Eggs. Bacon. There was so much food. 

"You feeding an army?" I asked her. 

"Well, I'm not sure how much you prefer to eat, you know with your wolf and all." I looked at her in surprise. 

"You made all of this for me?" I questioned. She nodded with a smile.

"Yes. Well of course I'll want some, and Eliza, oh and Mr. Walsh!" The only one who had ever cooked this much was Emily. 

"Thank you." I smiled taking a seat at the table. She sat as well afterwards. I began loading up my plate of food. I didn't notice just how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten much other than peanuts and granola bars for a couple days. I was starving. 

 "Oh shoot! I almost forgot! I know this a tad bit too soon given as you had just gotten here but your father has requested that you finish high school while you're here. So that means you'll be going to school with Eliza." I raised an eyebrow. That sounded like my dad. To be more concerned about my future than me. Demanding that I go to another school while I'm out of town. He was really just concerned about ruining my life, sending me in the middle of the year like some new student? Knowing that I've never been to a public school.

"But I've never been to a public school before." I stated.

"There's a first for everything." She smiled comfortingly.

"Yeah but it's the middle of the year. Who's going to watch my back and make sure I don't phase out or witch out? It's too soon." I said in a panic. My sliced abdomen coming to mind.

"It'll be okay."

"No I can't! I can't! Not yet! Not until more kids go too! I've never been the new kid, ever! And, and , and I, " I honestly didn't know what excuse I muttered after that as I began to hyperventilate. I took a deep breath in and out over and over again trying to calm myself.

"Mija! Listen to me, breathe in and out. Calm down you'll be okay. Trust me everything is going to be okay." She started wrapping her arms around me as I felt some sort of attack coming on. I haven't done this since I found out about everything back at home and now it's happening again. I clutched my stomach as pain erupted. I couldn't believe that even now, when I feel the most strong as a powerful wolf and witch that I still hyperventilate and have anxiety attacks. I thought I wasn't afraid of anything anymore. But my fears are only growing at this rate. The distinct smell of blood filled my nostrils as the pressure on my abdomen increased. "Are you, are you bleeding?" She questioned.

Hello my beautiful readers! I am so sorry for this horrible wait. I even had someone message me asking if I was even going to finish the book but yes I am planning on it! I hope you enjoy this chapter at least for now! Thank you all so much for the support I really do appreciate it! Enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment what you think. Also if you have any questions about Chrissy's family or history give me a message and I will answer any questions you have!

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