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December 27, 2012

"I want a refill."

"But sir-"

"Buts are for kissing. I want you to get me a refill."

"Sir, it is your 4th glass of scotch."

"So? I am paying you."

"Sir, will you please pass me your glass."

"Ah. Lovely lad. Here ya' go. Now off you go get me a refill."

The bartender soon returned with his glass and a devious smile played on his lips. His eyes were bloodshot red. Louis was heartbroken. After he had heard the 'I love you' fall from Ishita's lips, he ran out of the coffee shop. He made sure to glare at her on his way out. Louis was at work from 10 to 4, and he was at the bar since 5. It was already 8.

"Here you go, sir." The bartender paused for a second before handing Louis his glass. Louis raised his eyebrow at him when he did not leave.

"What?" He asked before taking in a gulp out of the drink. He cringed and shook his head a little as the bitter liquid trickled down his throat.

"Sir, your drink is on the house. It seems as if are here drinking away your problems." The bartender or Brent started with a worried look on his face.

Louis looked at him with a quirked brow. The longer he stared at him, the more he found it amusing. He tried so hard not to laugh, but he failed, unfortunately. He gestured Brent to sit down, and he looked at him as if he was asking someone's permission. Once everything was clear, Brent pulled out a chair and sat beside the drunk stranger. Brent was a college student who was working at the bar to earn some extra bucks. His dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes would make any girl weak in the knees, but he paid little to no attention to his looks. Unlike what others may perceive him as Brent is a humble man.

"She was drinking away her problems too," Louis muttered, and Brent sighed.

"Did you just suffer a heartbreak, sir?" He asked Louis and received a cold glare.

"I speak, and you listen," Louis grunted grimly, and Brent nodded as he did not want to provoke him. A drunk man is never a wise man.

"I did not know that. I was just there to end my life, but she somehow had to be there. Do you know Brent that ever since I met her, my life has been nothing but a rollercoaster of endless possibilities." Louis spoke angrily. He took another gulp from his drink and coughed a bit. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Brent stared at him in disbelief. This stranger just provided him with an insight of his life and how he was about to end it.

"Every time I try to reach her, she somehow manages to slip right out of my fingers. She is just like her hair. I remember one time I tried to play with her hair, and she kept swatting my hand away and her soft hair, slowly slipping out of my grasp." Louis replayed that moment in his head again and again before reaching into his pockets and pulling out a cigarette. He lit it up and took a drag before sipping on his almost finished drink.

Clearing his throat, Louis began speaking again. "For all I know, she could have been seeing this man for longer than I have known her and I have known her for what? 13 days? I don't know. I lost count. I wonder if she was in a relationship when I got her name inked on my skin. I showed her how much she meant to me. I wonder if she was in a relationship when I kissed her, not once but three times. I wonder- oh I bet she was in a relationship when I held her warm hand on my dead one." Louis melted out to Brent who was listening very intently. Louis paused speaking and then glanced at Brent.

"Thank you for listening to me Brent." He mumbled, and Brent gave him a sad smile. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Louis- or to him a 'stranger,' getting up and wearing his coat.

"Where are you going?" He asked him and stood up to help support him. Louis looked at him and suddenly remembered he had to pay.

"Oh yes. Here you go." And slapped four $10 notes in his hands.

"What? No!" Brent exclaimed and shook his head furiously at Louis. Louis reached for his wallet and took out another bill thinking that he owed him more.

"No, you only owe me 40 bucks. What I want is for you to not go out in this condition. I will drop you off. My shift ended at 8:30 so I am heading out right now anyways." Brent spoke sympathetically towards the older and quite drunk man.

"That is very thoughtful of you Brent, but I am not going to do anything stupid. You do not have to worry about me." Louis smiled sadly at the young and charming boy in front of him. He ignored all his protests and walked out of the bar. He checked his watch and hurried up to catch a subway home.

For the first time in life, he felt numb.

"Jaan, what do you think about attending that New Years Eve party with me?" Zayn asked a soundless Ishita. Ishita glanced up at him and looked afraid of something. Zayn furrowed his eyebrows at her and held her chin so she'd look openly at him.
"Hey what is the matter?" He asked her, bringing her body close to his.

"Zayn, it has been a while since we went out to any of your socialite parties. Do you think I will fit in with your circle again?" Ishita asked him exasperatedly.

"Oh baby, you are worried for nothing. They always loved you. In fact, when we split, my friends were beyond angry with me." Zayn re-assured her, and she sighed looking down only to have her face gently tugged back up.

"Hey, you listen to me. They love you. Don't you ever worry about anything ever again? I love you, and now it is my job to make sure that you are never hurt again. Will you let me do my job?" Zayn whispered to her.

Scared yet sure of her answer, Ishita gently spoke.

"Yes. I will."


You guys we have like idk four chapters+epilogue left. Ouh thanks for the support y'all.

All the love x

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