Chapter 2

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"Ugh, I bet it's gonna be another boring night," groaned a young man. He looked up at the sky and was thankful he brought a jacket. Snow had begun to fall again.

"You never know, Razo. I heard this place has had a lot of activity lately," said a cheerful teen. He seemed not be be affected by the cold unlike his friend, who was now shivering.

Razo sighed. Oh, hell. Why did I have to be stuck with the newbie? He was jumping around, disrupting a mouse who made its burrow in the snow. Unfortunately, that was the most exciting event that happened all night. Oh, don't forget the rabid dog who suddenly thought it was a nice idea to chase his partner. Even though this amused Razo to no end, the others would kill him if the newbie got rabies on his first mission. Now, the poor mutt was lying in a shallow grave somewhere.

"Alright, alright. Stop jumping around. It's getting annoying."

"Oh, come on. Loosen up!"

"Taven," he said in a warning tone.

Looking defeated, Taven finally stood still. "Alright"

Taven was only 16. Yet for some reason he was being sent out on a mission like this. Whoever was in charge had confidence in him. He was nothing special; Around average heigth, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes. Razo shook his head. Oh, did he hate it when a kid's blood is spilled.

    "So," Taven spoke finally, breaking the odd silence,"Where's the gate?"

  He was almost tempted to slam his head against the wall behind him. Instead, he ran a hand through his dark grey hair that fell to his shouders. He did hate something more than a kid's blood being spilled. Annoying questions.

    "Didn't you show up to the meeting?"




   "Just seemed like there was suppose to be a but there."

   Taven just stared down and shuffled his feet in the snow nervously," I sorta' fell asleep."

       Okay, that explained everything. The boy had the attention span of a goldfish. It's time to play teacher, again."We aren't able to find a gate. We need to find a "Gatekeeper" to help us first."

   "Ah... So, what happens if the Gatekeeper is dead?"

  "Find the next one. A gate always chooses its keeper once the other one dies... Vincent is already scouting the woods."

  Taven raised an eyebrow,"How did you--"

   "It's how your mind works. Your bored and want to go explore but, you're stuck here in a crappy town," he explained simply. Shifting his gaze from Taven to the sky, he saw the faint outline of the halfmoon behind a few wispy clouds.

   "Huh, I wonder. Is the moon going to prevail... Or give into the clouds?"

   "What did you say?"

 Walking to the outskirts of town Razo responded,"Nothing. It's time to patrol town."

    Shugging, he followed his partner.

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