Grells sister

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Mad fox: hey Grell I found ur dead sister!!!! She's a vampire now and she's going gaga over u........u can say
Grell:* goes to find scarlet * scarlet
Scarlet( sis): hey sister
Grell: ur alive
Scarlet: ya I'm a vampire now
Scarlet:* pushes Grell to the ground and bites her neck *
Grell: uhhhh
Scarlet: * kisses Grell on the lips *
Mad fox: * has the wtf face *
Scarlet:* stops and pulls away * I kissed my sister and I liked it
Mad fox:* kicks scarlet in the head * SHUT DA FUCK UP HOE!!!!!!!!
Phoenix: ..........
Sebastian:* goes to Grell and carries her back home *
Mad fox: anyway ask more questions and dares
Song: i kissed a girl

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