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Mad fox: just an idea i had and Sebastian and Grell are still in there wonderland forms
Sebastian: Grell there's something i have to ask u
Grell: yes bassy
Sebastian: I know we've been together for awhile now but I want us to be more than this
Grell: ........
Sebastian:so * goes down on one knee and pulls out a red ring box with a black diamond ring * Grell Sutcliff will u marry me
Grell:* shocked and covers her mouth with her hands and cry * yes yes YES!!!!
Sebastian:* smiles and puts the ring on Grells hand * I love u
Grell: i love u too
Sebastian:* kisses Grell *
Grell:* kisses back *
Mad fox: * crying with happiness in the background *
Phoenix: stop crying fox
Mad fox: i can't stop crying anyway ask questions guys
Song: i will be

Ask Sebastian and Grell ( FINISHED ) Where stories live. Discover now