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"This is a tumbler.."
"A tumbler.... explain" Ruvik demands, scrolling threw my phone. I promised I would take a video of it all so we had a new prized possession when we got home,
we live very sad lives :)

"Its a place of magic and mysterious genders and such." She told him, I cant help but feel like that last part was a mistake worth mentioning.
"Genders? What is there to make them mysterious."
Monika freezes at the question, they both turn to face me.
"oh NO. NO. I am NOT explaINING THAT."

It felt like hours Monika was introducing Ruvik to the internet. What he wanted us to do was introduce him to a fanfiction for an example. We didn't know how he would take the news that he was a fetish for over 500k fangirls.

So we stalled him.
All was going well until...
"Okay I showed you everything, you are now 37% less pure."
"What about that little box right there?"
"Which one."
"The one with the "W""
Monika made an awkward face, she put one hand on her hip, arched her back, and chucked my phone out the window.
"Shut up." She said.
He disappeared.
Then reappeared with the phone in his hand, it was wet from lake water but he fixed it with some sort of ghost magic.
He looked into the screen.
"Wattpad." He said in a low toned voice.
We both tried snatching the phone but it didn't work.
"What is it."
We both turned our heads.
She made a sad puppy dog face, then turned and left.

"Victoriano.. Trash?"
Ruvik says, looking deep in the screen.


"It was another one of those nights, tossing and turning in bed, your parents screaming at each other from the hall, half dru-"
I snatched the phone.
"Wattpad is a site where you write your own storys. Many take it serious, many write fanfictions. Either way its just as fun."
"If it's so harmless why can't I see it."
He retorted.

I just violently hissed at him like a cat.

He looked at me unamused.
"Fine ill let you read one thing." I smirked and started scrolling. I found what I needed and handed it over.
He cleared his thought.
"This is a tumbler...    "
A tumbler.... explain" Ruvik demands, scrolling threw my phone. I promised I would take a video of it all so we had a new prized possession when we got home,
we live very sad lives :)"

......Didn't this just happen."
Monika and I laughed.
"Wait a minute.. if you wrote this, then this is your account."

We stopped laughing. Shit its no longer funny when the jokes on you.
I karate chopped his arm, but stumbled back in the pain. He was like a boulder.
I grabbed my arm in pain, screeching for a full two minutes.

"What is Ruvik x Reader."
"What do you think." Monika retorted.
Screw it. "Look up your name."
"Which one."
Oh yeah...
His eyes glistened in confusion.
"Are these.."
"written to feed the hunger of.." I took out an imaginary calculator and started typing something in "most likely 300k fangirls trying to imagine you with them either in bed, dead, or together forever, pick one ending, sure, but 99.9% they end up like that." I explained.
Monika nodded aggressively in agreement.
"For once in my life.. Im actually confused." He started.
"So there are people in your world.."
"Uh huh."
"Who write things about me..."
"And are, to a certain extent, sexually allured to me."
"Or just crushing on you, yes."
"And your..."
"..welcome for teaching you this."
"Oh my.."
"Yeah I know," I flipped my hair.
"Im preeettyyyy great." I said smacking together my lips.
"And your one of those writers."
I twisted my head around.


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