Chapter Six

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/////Sam's POV\\\\\

We had been back at the palace for nearly two weeks now.

Zuko and I found ourselves together even more than usual, and before we retired for the night, he would kiss me. We weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend - in fact, I had no idea what we were. When it came to a simple friendship, we had gone way past the point of no return, but relationship wise... I was at a loss. However, the Fire Nation prince had been distant and moody lately. When I asked what was wrong, he would just shake his head and say he was 'thinking'.

"Again!" Azula ordered, as I dodged another attack.

I shook my head, trying to clear it, and by using my mind, I summoned the water in the vases behind her, dousing her.

I could feel her glare, and tried my best not to laugh.

I hissed in pain as a sharp knife grazed my cheek, and sent a line of fire towards Mai, who easily dodged.

I had become dependent on my mind when it came to bending, but Azula made sure I knew basic stances. Really, that was all I knew when it came to traditional bending. Basic forms; the rest, I used my mind.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ty Lee cartwheeling towards me, so I used excess water from my attack on Azula and created an icy patch just in time for Ty Les to place her hand on it, and fall to the ground.

Clapping sounded from the entrance of the training room, and we turned to face the Fire Lord. The girls bowed, but I glowered, and stood still.

Ozai raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything as he stepped into the room. "You've improved," he nodded, as his eyes wandered over the now burning curtains and thick slab of ice on the ground.

"I don't understand why I have to train," I grumbled. "I'm not going to fight for you anyway."

The Firelords eyes flashed, and I cringed back. "That is enough training for today," he decided. "You will go to your quarters, an remain there until dinner."

We glared at each other for a bit, until he nodde at Azula and disappeared just as quickly as he'd appeared.

"Oh, calm down, Sam," Azula sighed. "You'll burn the palace down if you don't."

I whipped around to see the once frozen sheet f ice now boiling, and the curtains blazing even higher. I sighed, and after closing my eyes, the fires died down and the water cooled.

"I will say I am impressed with how well you've progressed," Azula nodded, crossing her arms. "It's quite an accomplishment."

"You can throw me a party later," I huffed, taking my hair out of its pony tail. "I'm going to my room."

Without looking over my shoulder, I walked out. I wandered the halls, not really wanting to go my room, and decided that a stroll through the gardens would help calm me down a bit. I had only seen the Fire Lord a few times, and he rarely talked to me, but when he did, I was left steaming more than Zuko.

Lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone, nearly knocking me down. "Sorry," we both rushed, and I looked up to see Zuko. 

He seemed shocked to see me, but quickly shook his head and smiled. "Sorry," he said again. "I was thinking."

I chuckled and looped my arm through his. "Same. So what's up? I haven't seen you around in a while."

He shrugged as he changed our course to the main entrance of the palace. "I've just been busy. I've got a lot on my mind."

I sighed as we stepped out into the sun, receiving many bows from passing servants. I felt uncomfortable about all the attention, but Zuko ignored them, already used to the royal treatment, despite being gone for nearly three years.

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