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Stiles' POV

It's the first day of University. Scott, Lydia, Malia and I all got into University of Beacon Hills. Like we had been planning. Plus, Scott and I can still visit Beacon Hills High to keep an eye on Liam and his friends. Thanks to coach. He lets us go by the high school and help out with the lacrosse team practices on Thursdays and Fridays. When we're not doing that, I help out my dad at the police station with some cases he's working on. Not only my life, but our lives are finally falling into place. Ever since that day Scott and I found that body in the woods, our lives have been a mess. Not just his and mine, but for Lydia, Malia, Derek, Jackson, Isaac... we've all had a rough time.

I pull up to the large building in my classic blue jeep. I park, before taking my keys out of the ignition and looking over to Scott.
"Ready?" I ask. He nods before turning around in his seat and looking at Lydia and Malia who were in the back seats.
"Are you guys ready?" He asks them. Lydia nodded, but Malia shook her head.
"No!" She said, and we all began laughing and opening the doors of the car.
"Guys, I'm serious. I'm not ready." She continued, opening her door and climbing out.
"You'll be fine." Lydia reassures. "We practiced calming methods, remember? You're your own anchor." Malia sighs and nods in response.
I slam the door shut, before looking up at the school and throwing the straps of my backpack over my shoulders. Scott pats me on the back, before leading us to the front steps of the building. I look around at all the new faces as I followed him. But then... I notice a face...staring back.
Not too far, across the parking lot, stands a blonde boy. He looks about my age. His hair was a bit longer than most boys' hair, and he seemed like a tall guy. I've never seen him before. Usually in a small town like this, you've seen everyone at least once. But his face doesn't even remotely look familiar.
"Stiles?" Lydia calls. Only then did I notice that they all reached the top of the stairs, and I was still at the bottom. I turned my head away from the strange guy, and looked at her, not saying a word.
"Is everything okay?" She asked. I looked back to see if the boy was still there, and with my luck, he wasn't. I sighed and looked back at Lydia.
"Yeah...just a bit nervous." I told her. I didn't wanna worry them with my paranoia.
I walked up the stairs where they waited for me, and we entered the University.
This is the beginning. I thought excitedly. My eyes darted across the large hall, and at all the cool paintings and posters. It looked so...intelligent. If that even makes sense?
I have been waiting to start University for so long, and it's even better to start with my friends.
"I guess we gotta get our schedules now." Malia said, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder nervously. I looked at her hand, and saw that she had her werecoyote claws out. In public.
"Uh, Lydia...I think you should go with Malia." I suggested, inconspicuously pointing at the set of nails she had just grew. Lydia saw Malias claws, and gasped. She looked around to make sure no one had noticed, before walking over to her friend and whispering loudly in her ear.
"Malia! Claws, away! I thought we worked on control." She said, but Malia just glared at her, not saying a word. Then, the brunette stormed off towards the lines of people waiting to get their schedules. Lydia looked at Scott and I, and shrugged before following Malia.
I looked at the signs above each table. "A-E, F-J, K-O, P-T, U-Z"
My last name starts with S, so I told Scott I was going to go to the "P-T" line. He nodded, and went to the "K-O" line, since his last name starts with M.
I entered the back of the line, and stood patiently. That lasted about five seconds before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see him. The blonde boy I saw in the parking lot.
My eye lids narrowed, as he began to speak to me.
"Hi, is this the P to T line?" He asked me. I laughed.
"If you had an eye, you would see that it is." I pointed up at the large sign above the table. He looked passed me and at the sign, and laughed at himself.
"Oh, my bad." He said, and I nodded. As I began to turn back around, he began speaking again. I swore under my breath.
"Aren't you the Sheriff's son?" He asked. I looked at him, and nodded. The line began to move so I moved up and so did he. "Stiles right?" He continued. I nodded again, silently. That's the terrible thing about everyone knowing who your dad is. Because everyone knows who you are. But not in a good Yay I'm popular! way. But in a Ew, everyone knows my name. That's creepy. kind of way.
Of course, he began speaking again. "It must be cool to be the sheriffs son. So much privilege, freedom...I bet you haven't paid a single-"
"Listen!" I said coldly, but not loud enough to make people stare. "I don't know who you are, and I really don't care what you have to say about me. I saw that little stare down stunt you pulled this morning and I'm not-"
"Next!" I heard a lady shout. I turned away from the blonde and saw that I was next in line. I walked up to the table.
"Stilinski, Stiles." I told her.
"No need for your first name honey, there's not many Stilinski's around here." She said, searching through a pile of schedules before pulling mine out. I thanked her, before turning around and noticing he was gone. Again.
Who does he think he is? Houdini?! I thought to myself, and laughed. I texted the rest of the group to meet me at my locker.

 I texted the rest of the group to meet me at my locker

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