Chapter III - Triton's Tides (Part 2)

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Water engulfed Cade and he lost his breath as he was catapulted upward after Pyro. It hit him with an unbelievable force; far, far more than he was expecting. It was like being launched straight upward into space. Cade could feel the skin on his face want to peel back and rip right off. His lungs yearned for a fresh breath, but Cade was unable to allow it in fear of inhaling only water. Cade fought to control himself in this state of panic. It would be over soon he hoped.

Eventually the acceleration ended and Cade felt like he was soaring high above everything, weightless. His eyes shut on reflex once he entered the bright white abyss of the heavens. It took several seconds before his eyes adjusted and he could see the horizon far across in the distance.

It was beautiful, unlike anything Cade had ever seen before. It was like a completely alien world above the clouds. The fluffy white cotton balls rolled on and on toward infinity, crossing over one another with a touch so light, they would never feel their neighbor collide. Cade could see the mountain range he and Pyro had recently crossed through a small opening in the vast desert of gently sloping white clouds. The mountains appeared to be mere hills pitched across rolling planes. Past the mountains Cade could see the entire continent of Sodinaca, as well as the oceans surrounding it.

“Cade! Watch out!” Pyro shouted to his new found friend. Cade shook his head to escape his trance only to be welcomed with the ground rushing up at him. Quickly he conjured his magic to make the floor bend inward like a trampoline. The ground caught him ever so softly. Cade forced the ground back to how it was and was spit back out, landing on his feet.

“Thanks,” Cade said; he noticed that his family’s heirloom was violently glowing under his armor. The light was forcing its way out. It begged to be seen. Cade answered the pendant by unhooking it from his belt. He thought it was bright the last time he had seen it, but now it was blinding. The top of the Great Tower was magnificent. There were four distinct corners, each which looked like little wells. Each well had depictions of water lines running up and down, appearing to pour into each small reservoir. They looked as if they were made of the same material as the crystals used to activate the fountain far below. A large pedestal stood confidently at the center of it all. It had a small groove similar to the big slab at the entrance. The groove was placed in the center of more crystalline material. Cade thought that it looked somewhat like ice. He felt that it would instantly liquefy upon touching it. He approached the pedestal of silent water with his pendant, glowing ever brighter, outstretched.

“That won’t do any good,” came from an unknown voice. A man stepped out from behind the pedestal. Cade noticed a glint through the man’s garb; light reflecting off armor. As his black garment blew back from a small breeze, Cade noticed a long sword strapped around his shoulder as well as two glowing orbs; one blue and one yellow. “Why have you travelled this far? Are you here to unleash the powers of Triton upon the world?” The man was tall and had the appearance of a seasoned warrior. Cade had an odd feeling in his gut, something about him made Cade uneasy.

“Who are—” Cade cut Pyro off, his eyes piercing his comrade’s.

“Yes, we are actually.” Cade put his plan into action. “Why do you know so much about this?” Cade needed to know why he felt this way about the man. He needed to know who he was and what he was doing up here. Something inside Cade demanded answers.

The man eased his gaze as he approached the two boys. “So it has begun. You must be the two legendary casters of this generation.” He stood between Pyro and Cade and placed his hands on both their shoulders. “You will need this.” From his belt, he grabbed the glowing blue orb; which turned out to be a small pouch. He loosened the tie around the it and a blue gem rolled into his open hand.

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