Relationships are Simple

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Did I start this out with a thing that most people would disagree with? Yes, yes I did. Relationships are very very simple, if and only if both are willing to play along with each other. 

Lets just clear this up now, if there is any experienced man or even women who wants to work his way around people's beds and get as much action as they wanted then they could. Because getting a person for the night or even in the long run is not difficult at all. Play the cards right of whatever the type of girl that you want and you will have her in your bed that night. A good healthy relationship is built off from common ground and time spent with each other, throw in some trying new experiences and you have got a healthy relationship. 

The simplicity of a relationship starts out with just being with each other a certain amount of time per day, per week,or however you look at the time scale, time must be spent with each other. Next it continues to going along doing the simple things that women do not expect you to do, because it is old fashion. Like opening up doors, walking them to the door, standing in front of them if there is trouble in the way, pushing in the chair for her. All are very simple things that all men should do on their own without a halt. 

Do activities that she is into, starting with watching a show or movie that she wants you to watch with her, in return you have her do something of your interest. Use common ground to continue the relationship growth, by using this you can both can gain knowledge on building with each other like a team. Becoming more of a team rather then seeing yourself as a single individual, you must remember this person is meant to be the one with you till the day you leave this Earth. Must have some sort of match in a relationship or it will fail slowly. 

Through time of growing with someone and learning about life with them, you have done nothing more then have common ground, have new experiences, and learn to work as a team rather then a single. From this you get a healthy relationship based all of from the basics of romance. Remember relationships are simple, do not complicate them, from the basics you grew it to something even greater. 

Hope you enjoyed, ill be adding more to the story of a hopeless romantic. 

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