Hopeless romantic

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The internet defines hopeless romantic as someone who has had their heart broken down to the last straw, in which that last straw contains hope, but not hope for the person, but for hope for others in their romantic life.

Being down to that last straw of hope and not so worried about your love life is something people look at and do not want to have happen to them. While people who are at this stage hate it, I strive off from it. I always wonder how everyone else day has been with their significant other, as to how I could be making my romantic life just a bit better. I look at others and see hope in every relationship, even when they see none. Believing in something is part of human nature, and what I believe in is the old fashion romance stories, where you accidentally run into the girl of your dreams and you do not know that feeling until you look into her eyes and realize she is the one I want. 

Believing in goofy things as love at first sight is an amazing thing to believe, now does it happen to everyone? No certainly not, but having it happen to you must feel amazing.  Through my few relationships I have only grown on how to be in a dedicated relationship, with the first date to the meeting of the family to the saying I love you words. All have been great, but all have ended and not in the way that I wanted. 

Build your knowledge on how to treat your lady, in public, in private, between yourself and with the Lord. Be respectful of each other and always care, a relationship never fails if someone is caring. I do hope that everyone could have taken the time to read this short story about a hopeless romantic and embrace that fact that you are single and enjoy the thought of romance. Enjoy the rest of the short stories I have ready to put out here for everyone to read. 

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