Chapter 8

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I could tell you all about the steps I went threw to get my schedule, but I'd rather not bore you, so I'm just going to skip straight to my first block class that I happened to have with a girl named Nelly A.K.A model tall, golden brown hair and big doe brown eyes and Ryan's ex. To say that I was more then a little bit jealous, would be a lie. She also seems very sweet, well I haven't talked to her because I've been too busy listening to the teacher, but before class started I heard her giving advice to this girl with red hair so frizzy it looked like a bird would come flying out her hair any minute. I look at Amber who is sitting right next to me admiring her pink pen with a feathers on the end of it. As she looks up I smile at her and mouth 'I'm bored' making her nod her head in agreement. 'Yes' she lips back as we continue to listen to the lecture Ms. Vines was giving in our English 2 class... That makes me wonder, why is Nelly in here? She's a senior, I'm guessing she either failed this class or missed more then ten days and didn't come to school for make ups so she has to retake this class to pass.

   I ring makes me jump and let out a little shriek making some people look at me curiously as the pack their stuff up. Nelly raises a light brown eye brow at me before asking "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, uh I was just kind of deep in thought and the bell scared me a little." The beautiful girl offers me a smile which I gradually return.

"You are Laylani right? The Alphas mate? You are really pretty. By the way my names Nelly!" She gushes out excitedly before holding her pink manicured hand out for me to shake. I slowly lift my small hand up to reach hers as she shakes it. She let's go and then turns to Amber.

   "And your the Alphas sister, Amber right?"

Amber gives her a heart warming smile and nods her head. "Awesome! I love your red hair, totally chic! We should hang out sometime! You could sit with me and the girls at lunch, I'm sure they would love to meet you! Oh you guys should also try out for a sport! We are going to have so much fun together!" She squeals as she claps her hand excitedly.

Me and Amber share a look and giggle as we grab our stuff right before she grabs our hands and pulls us out of the classroom.

"What do you guys have next? I have biology with Ms. Wegner, she is awesome."

"We have her third block," me and amber say together.

Nelly's smile drops from her face "Awe that's too bad. Well that means you have a lunch, just like me so you can sit with me and my friends. Feel free to invite anyone if you guys make more friends."

"Okay, thanks, I thought people here would be mean but you are so sweet!" Says Amber with a huge smile revealing her dimples.

"No, everyone here is nice, and if they aren't they will be nice to both of you plainly out of fear, but school isn't like the movies, us pops aren't mean or harsh; we are actually very accepting and try to make friends with everyone, hint to why we are popular."

I nod my head "Yeah, that makes more sense then having mean people out to destroy you. I honestly thought you would hate me because you use to date Ryan," I admit honestly a little ashamed at my self for assuming things.

She laughs, not just a regular laugh, a full on hard core rolling on the floor laugh. We wait until she comes down and catch her breathe. "What?" I ask a little freak out.

"It's just that we both new what we where getting into. I knew he was going to eventually find his mate and I accepted that. We did it for fun more than anything else and we didn't last long either. I soon found out that what I felt towards him was a more brotherly feeling than anything else, after that we agreed that we should end it before it became awkward between us. Now he is my best friend and he protects me like I'm his sister. You ate beautiful but I'm not going to make your life hell over something so stupid. Plus I have someone out their waiting for me, I just hope I can find him soon before I lose my mind and become jealous of every mated girl around," she said with a slight shake of my head.

  I look at her in understanding and all of the jealousy I once felt towards this girl is gone. Wait! What?!?! Did she say mate? Isn't that the second time she's said that? This I'd like the 100th time I've heard this word in the time span if what, 2-3 days? Is everyone here crazy or is it just me?

"Well I am going to have to split ways with you girls now before I'm late, and that's just something I can't be! Can't mess up my grades, ya know? I'll see your girls later, by lovelies!" She blows us a kiss before turning around and walking the other way.

"She's so sweet!" Squeals Amber as we continue to our next class

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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