Chapter 5

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I LOVE YOU---Chap 5. 

pic of Bella--- dedicated to Ashley87923. She is just an awesome person! She has been supporting me a lot so far and that really means a lot to me. I love seeing comments from you guys. Really, it warms my heart. Well, imma stop my rambling cuz ik its boring you and half of you wont even bother to read this so here yeah go!

Laylani's P.O.V

I step out of the shower and slip on the pretty white dress, the girl who I believe said her name was Quay, gave me. She is a really pretty girl, and I'm actually kind of jealous. I mean, not everyone's blessed with such natural beauty. I'm not insecure or anything, its just that I know compared to her, she would look like a diamond and me like a rock. Its just the truth. The dress is a little big on me, but it'll do. I then slip on some white, pretty slippers that must be a size five. I'm probably even smaller then Quay. I hate being so short, you got to look up to everyone. I really wish I was tall like a model. That's probably the only thing I would like to change about me. I comb threw my hair with my hand before walking out.

I see Ryan out side the door waiting for me. As soon as he hears my faint foot steps (which I don't even know how he heard it.) he turns around and looks at me with wide eyes. Wow, do I really look that horrible? As soon as that thought came into my mind he says " you look beautiful," sounding breathless. I can feel some heat rise to my checks as a faint blush makes it upon my checks. I put my head down, letting my hair fall in my face, hoping he didn't see me blush. He gently takes his finger and tilts my face up, making my eyes meet his hazel green blue ones. "Your just so beautiful," He whispers, making my face heat up once again. "Now lets go get you something to eat." My eyes widen in surprise at this. "Food as real food?" I ask a little surprised and excited.

"Of course," he replies, looking at me slightly worried. "What are you use to?" I just shrug my shoulders and say "A little piece of bread and some water, and that's if I'm lucky." He growls, making me whimper and step back. As I did so, I managed to trip and fall. Ryan was at my side in a second. He raises his hand and I instantly flinch back and let out a small whimper. "Please don't hit me," I sob, frightened. He was just being so nice, why would he hit me? He looks at me shocked before lowering his hand. "Is that what you think I was going to do? Why do you think I would do that? I would never hurt you," he tells me gently. "The guards, when ever I use to trip they would scream and hit me whilst calling me a klutz and all other types of names." Tears start streaming down my face. Come on Laylani! Get a hold of your self. He probably thinks you are a HUGE cry baby and looks at you like a five year old. He is just trying to be nice, and here I am crying! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! *insert face palm here*

"I would never do anything like that to you. I promise. I care for you way to much to even think about putting my hands on you." He strokes my hair and continues to hug me. "Why?" I ask. "Why what?" He replies, sounding rather confused. "Why do you care for me? The only other person who has ever cared for me where my parents and Bella. And my parents obviously not enough because they didn't even come looking for me." "I care for you because you are pretty, smart, sweet and funny. I have never meant anybody else like you, and trust me, all of my family and friends care about you. Whilst you where out cold they where asking millions of questions just to make sure you where alright. I know most of us barley know you, but I for one want to get to know you. I'm certain so will everyone else. This might not make since to you know, but it will one day."

Wow, he is just so...nice. I wasn't suspecting that. He pulls me up and takes my hand as I whisper and faint "thank you." He sends me a little smile. We go down a bunch of stairs that leads into a huge kitchen with beautiful marble floors and creme walls. To the right of the wall there's a fancy looking refrigerator and on the right there is a bunch of cabinets leading up to a huge silver sink. "Wow," I sigh, breathlessly. "You like?" His cold breathe hits the back of my neck sending a light shiver threw my back. "Yea," is my reply. These feelings, they're just so weird. I've never felt this way before. Should I be freaked out by it? That's when a absolutely gorgeous red head comes in with Malik tailing excitedly behind. "Would you like some food? Or would you like something to drink?" He asks, basically jumping up and down. She shows him a sweet smile before saying "a sandwich would be good. Thank you." He runs over to the fridge and starts pulling out ingredients for a ham and cheese sandwich. "Hay sis," says Ryan, making her head snap up towards us. Her smile grows wider. "You know, I may never get use to you calling me that." "I know." I look back and forth curiously. Is that Amber? Her eyes move to me. "Oh, Hi. You are really pretty. Whats your name?" I was a little shocked by the girls bluntness and complements. "Um, thanks. You are really pretty too. I'm Laylani." I reply, softly. She seems to jump at my answer. "Awe your too sweet and cute. Ryan, she's a keeper. Isn't she the one who was captured with me as well?" So this is the all so famous Amber. Prettier then I imagined. I know her family has really good looks, but dang. "Yes she is," replies Ryan. "Well I'm Amber, and its very nice to meet you. Feel free to hit me up any time. So who's your favorite band...if you know any yet." Then her eyes go wide after realizing what she said. "I'm so so so sorry! It didn't come out right! please don't hate me!" Amber says, franticly. I just giggle a little. "No, its alright. Bella use to sneak me in an i pod so I could download any music I wanted to. She gave me some singer names and others I found. I really like Chasing Cars, Simple Plan, Red Jump Suite Apparatus, Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Paramore, One Direction, and Pixie Lott." She stands there, looking at me for a second before running over to me and hugging me, squealing "OH MI GEE, I LOVE YOU!!!". If it was anybody else, I would freak out, but her, she's been threw the same stuff as me and seems so strong and so calm. But behind her smile and eyes, she is just another broken lost souled girl, like me.

Kristen Stewart as Bella 


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