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Time passed, and people changed. The world evolved and turned, wars and unspeakable deaths plague the masses in an endless pattern. Life became predictable, history repeated itself with different players, yet they never learned. Role after role, pattern after pattern; they knew that they were doomed from the start yet they continue with the same mistakes.

Stepping out of a cab on a bright New York morning, the small coven looked up to their new lavish house. High pillars and a pretty garden was all the rage for Rochester high class. It screamed rich, and rich meant fancy dinner parties and expensive wine.

It said little of taste - how the elite remained elite and the unfortunate remained in the slums. It was a song she heard sung far too often, yet all she did to influence the world did little to help. A singular entity that she was, she couldn't make the changes necessary without allerting the world to her very existence.

She opened her parasol laying it against her shoulder as she stepped into the bright summer sun towards her new home. Heels echoed from behind her and a smile lifted the corner of her lips as she heard Estelle begin to curse under her breath.

"Easy, my dear," she scolded playfully. "That is not the mouth of an eligible young lady."

A boisterous laugh startled the neighbors, and from the car stepped a third member to their party. He stood tall, the darkness of his hair conflicted against the paleness of his skin but he was striking none the less. Fashionably well dressed for this time, he smiled upon his companions and offered his elbows for them to hold.

The ladies of the party were equally as beautiful, but their similarities were few. They were both petite, slim with a perfect stature. They shared the same facial structure of high cheeks and soft mouths yet it was their hair that drew them apart drastically. Estelle was light haired, fair compared to the other woman; while Marion was darker, a boring brown colour that was anything but plain in the way it shone and shimmered.

Their eyes - eyes that all three shared to the exact shade and speck - were a striking golden colour that resembled another family that resided in town.

"You joke but it is not funny. Why did we need to settle somewhere so bright, maman?"

Giving her daughter a look, they entered the home and away from the greedy eyes of the onlookers that vied  to catch a glimpse, to gather as much information they could with the littlest of details to share at their luncheons.

"We are here to see an old friend, Stelle," Hugo told his niece. "We have heard that he has recently found his mate and we wish to congratulate him."

"By moving to a city in the northern hemisphere during the summer?" the girl continued to complain. "We will surely be discovered."

The coven leader tsked at the group, shushing them before making her way further into the house. It was very pretty, filled with some of the most luxurious items that money could afford. It was a well fitted home but very modern for her taste. She would have preferred something French in the way of décor, or perhaps Greek.

"I simply want to meet her," Marion enlightened.

"Dis-moi, how do you plan on finding these people?" the youngest snapped.

Taking in the high ceilings and expensive furniture, Marion began to plan how she was going to change the home more to her taste. The open concept was a given, casual and comfortable for the parties that she would no doubt feel pressured to throw abns giving plenty of spare space for the timy family. The kitchen was well stocked with various pans and pots that she planned to use to her advantage. Throughout it all, the things she had amounted over the years would replace the things that she did not find were up to her standards nor of the same quality - French and Swiss made furniture was most certainly the best of style.

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