Power And Control (Dark-ish Ziam Mpreg AU)

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Liam Payne is the general manager for Payne Inc., a business his father started a few years ago. He’s in charge of finding and training new employees, enforcing the rules and making sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to. He organized and ran the company meetings, handled any financial matters, and took care of press issues, good or bad. Liam was smart, but his temper was short and kept him from anything more.


Zayn Malik is the intern who attends the uni in town and majors in business. He’s shy, awkward, and clumsy. He doesn’t try to mess things up, but he always does, somehow. All he wants is to do something right, for once, but he never seems to be able to. His past has made him so reluctant to try anything new, but when his best friend, Anthony, and business law professor, Mr. Beckham, recommend that he become an intern for Payne Inc., he goes for it. Almost immediatly, he’s accepted and made to be Liam’s assistant. He doesn’t know why, but the man who looks sort of like his professor seems to hate him. But Zayn pushes through and deals with Liams moods, because in the end, Liam is hot and this is the perfect oppurtunity for him to start his career.


Everyone in the office thinks that the two of them have a strong hate for each other, when really, it’s just Liams temper and sexual frustrations mixed with Zayns endearing idiocracy and compliance that cause something that no one else see’s.


“There are  two things in life you don't do to me."


"One: lie to me."


"Two: push me in a dark corner."


"Things might turn out real ugly, Zayn."


"Because you've already done one of them.”


A/N: Hi hi! So, I really like dark stories, and I wanted to try my hand at mpreg, thus this story was produced! It's gonna be coming out after Letters is done! I just had to get this done and up before I forgot about it Hope you guys like it, let me know if I should do it or not!

Thank you to ANgel (@ZaynJPayne) for the cover, love you babe!

Power And Control «Dark Ziam Mpreg AU»Where stories live. Discover now