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Once he’d told Ant about the interview and immediately getting the job, they decided to go out and buy suits so that Zayn could make a good impression and be as professional as possible. He’d bought 5 suits, in various designs and 5 pairs of dress slacks and plain white shirts. He’d even bought 4 different ties, something he’s never worn before and never wanted to. He didn’t even know how to tie a damn tie.


It was Tuesday, so Zayn would be at work all day. He’d set his alarm for 5am the night before, because he had to be at work by 7 and while it was only a 15 minute commute from his and Ants house to Payne Inc., he knew it’d take him over an hour to get ready and he’d want to be at least 10 minutes early. First day jitters an all. Plus, he was meeting Liam today and he didn’t want to make a bad impression and get fired or have any tension and bad vibes.

So when his alarm went off a whole two hours earlier than he’s used to, Zayn nearly fell out of his bed, and he may have a gotten concussion from hitting the headboard. He scrambled out of the covers that were tangled around his body, and went straight into the bathroom. When he finished peeing, washing his face, and brushing his teeth, Zayn grabbed his favorite bottle of hair gel, determined to look his best for his first day of work.

Nearly an hour later and Zayn only has his hair done, but at least it looks better than most days. Meanwhile, he still has to iron his suit and put it on without messing up his hair, he needs to stop and get himself something to eat or else he won’t be able to do too good today, and he has to make that drive. With all of that, Zayn highly doubts he’ll be able to be there 10 minutes early as he’d planned.
Zayn sighs in frustration, he hasn’t even started working and he’s stressing already.

Finally, finally, Zayn is done. He somehow managed to get dressed with even slightly jolting his perfect hair. But he has 30 minutes to get to work, and he has to make the choice to eat or be early. It’s hard, so hard to choose. But in the end, he needs this, so being early is almost a necessity.

Zayn runs out of the house and hops into his car, driving just above the speed limit to the big Payne Inc. building. He makes it, 12 minutes early, and he’s out of breath by the time he gets in. His deep breaths almost overpowers the rumbles in his stomach, almost.

He walks to the front desk, the secretary recognizing him as the new intern and calling Geoff down. Zayn stands near the oak wood desk, twiddling his thumbs nervously as he waits for his boss to come down. He hears the tap of his dress shoes and looks up, seeing Geoff walking towards him, smiling.

“Ambition, I like it.” He says. When Zayn gives him a lost look, he chuckles and says, “You’re early, shows me you really want this.” Zayn nods eagerly, and then realizes how he may look and stops, nibbling on his lips nervously.

“Yes sir, I really do want this.” He confirms.

Geoff nods, looking at Zayn like a proud father would. “Good, now. Let’s go, Liam is in his office and since you’ll be working with him, I think it’s time you two meet, yeah?” Zayn nods and follows Geoff through the building, so close he nearly runs into the man when he stops at a door with a ‘L. Payne’ label next to it.

Geoff knocks, waiting for the door to be answered. When it finally opens, Zayn gasps in his head. The man he suspects to be Liam Payne, looks exactly like a younger version of Mr. Beckham. Liam looks at Geoff and nods once, then looks at Zayn and lifts his eyebrows. He lets Geoff and Zayn in, closing his door behind them.

“Who the hell are you?” He asks, his tone a bit snarky. He looks at Zayn from the bottom up.

Geoff frowns. “Liam, don’t start.” He warns. “This is Zayn Malik, the new intern. He’ll be working with you.” When Liam goes to protest, he gets cut off by his father. “And I expect you to be civil and teach him well.” Geoff says sternly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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