5 Ex-boyfriend's

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I am warning you, this chapter has depression in and other things. If you get triggered by this, please do not read it. I don't want anyone getting upset. You have been warned.

Jacks pov
"No one loves you Jack, let's face it, they're all gone because no one will ever date you" Amy laughed. I heard Mark giggle too. "Come on babe" she continued, "let's leave this loner loser alone!" And they left. I felt tears roll down my cheek as the memories started to come back.
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I think marks back to bring a bully again. Well, I think he has away but he never talks to me anymore. He avoids eye contact and all he does is follow that bitch around. So I don't even know anymore.
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I carried on throughout the week. No emotions, no feelings, no nothing. I don't know why, but ever since the 'thing' happened with Amy and mark I've felt completely empty. Felix is worried about me but I tell him I'm fine, but... I don't know if I am.

Everyday is kinda like a fast blur. I go to school, I come back from school. I don't know what's come over me. Memories of my life flash in front of me every so often, making me upset and fall into a crying fit.

The memories of my ex's hurt the most though. I've only dated three people before and they all ended up terrible. My first one, Brandon, was a drug addict. I didn't know until he told me after three weeks of dating. I don't like drugs, they're dangerous so I broke up with him. Two weeks later he was found dead in his bed room, his death cause? An overdose. He left a not for me saying stuff like "now you're gone... I can't live!" And at the end it said, "I hate you for this..." it made it sound like it was my fault, and I made myself believe it was for awhile. But soon Ethan had to persuade me that it wasn't my fault. And I went on doing my normal stuff.

My second boyfriend was Connor, he was a dick. At first I liked him, I was happy but one day he told me the whole thing was a dare and he had never loved me. I have never talked to him again after that. I felt betrayed and abandoned. I didn't even know if I could trust anyone anymore.

My last boyfriend was called Alex, he was the best out of the three. It had taken me a long time to build up my trust again after Connor but I eventually did and I met Alex. We had great times together. But soon his dad died and Alex became super depressed. He loved his dad so much and now he had gone. Later that month he hung himself... he wanted to be with his dad. He said the day before he didn't deserve me and I should find someone better. I've never been so upset in my life. I cried. I cried a lot.

After that I decided loving someone was too emotional and I probably couldn't handle it. I felt like being alone was the best thing to do. I tried not to fall in love but I messed that up, didn't I? And I tried to not remember my ex's but with the comments Amy says to me I can't help it.

The blood slowly trickled down my arm, the knife was cold and sharp on my skin. I don't feel any pain though, my body is numb. Just as I was about to do another one I heard a gasp. I turned to the door and stood there, with a shocked look on his face, was Ethan.

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