3 Hawaii

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YES ITS A SHORT CHAPTER DEAL WITH IT. I really needed to write this, and this only. So it can't be a longer chapter because THAT WOULDN'T WORK OK?And with that said, enjoy!

Jacks pov
"No!" I sobbed, tears rolling down my cheeks, "I'm not going!"
"Jack dear, I'm the only one left, you have to" my auntie said.

I didn't even know I had an auntie until two hours ago. They told me to pack my bags, so I did. Turns out my mom had a sister that moved to Hawaii  when I was two. And somehow she has only found out now that they've died. So she's now here to take me home with her, because she's family and the 'rule' is 'if I have family. I go live with my family' which is unfair.

Felix has gone to school now but he said he wasn't mad I have never told him and he said he will text me everyday and we'd meet every chance we will get. This made me cry even more. I don't want to go.


The car journey is silent, soon I will be on a flight to Hawaii, and I don't even have a choice. Ethan said we'll keep in touch and he's not going to let anyone sit on my bed. Sam is also going to talk to me each week, he promises to tell me all the 'gossip'. And mark, I didn't even get to be proper friends with him yet, but I knew it was going to be good and now I've lost him forever. I wipe my eyes. I don't wanna leave.

Felix's pov
I sat down, getting out a book to read. We've still got 20 minutes till class starts. I start reading but then someone sits down next to me. It's not Dan, I've already explained where jack is. But... it's Mark...
"What?" I say
"Look I'm sorry, but where's jack, I wanna tell him chica, my new dog, is doing fine" he said. I stopped and stared at him. He's being nice. And I actually like it. So I explained to him where jack was and why. At the end I waited for a response.
"Tell the teacher I'm going to be late." He said but before I could ask him why he ran out the door.

Marks pov
I ran...
And ran...
And ran...
I felt sharp pains in my side but I didn't stop, I kept on running.
And running...
I'm not stopping until I do what I want to do, what I need to do.
Nearly there now...
Come on mark, you can do this.

Jacks pov
The airport was surprisingly not very busy. I sat down in a chair, waiting for our flight to get called. My auntie's very kind and sweet and I really like her but I kinda don't because she's taking me to her home and I don't wanna go.

"Flight 747 is ready for boarding now" that's us. Great. I put my rucksack on and start walking. I'm nearly there but then I hear a voice. Shouting my name.
"Wait!" I turn around and see no one, so I start walking again. But then something grips my arm. I quickly turn around.


"Jack we need to go!" My auntie says

"Jack, you can't!" Mark argues

"It's the final call, we need to go!" She yells

"Please, don't!" Mark begs

"Jack come on!" My auntie grabs my other arm

Mark stares into my eyes, his full of tears "Please..."
 oOooOoOOooOoooo aren't you lucky? 2 chapters in one day!

I hope you liked it and hopefully my next one will be out soon. I'm really enjoying writing this!

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