Chapter Three: Lion and Raven

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—chapter three: lion and raven

Headmaster Dippet eyed the two students with Dumbledore at his side. He watched them carefully, taking note of the way Hermione stood to the way Harry scratched his ears. Maybe he had Wrackspurts in his head?

"Relatives of yours, you say?" Dippet asked Dumbledore.

"Yes, Headmaster," lied Dumbledore.

"Fraternal twins, you say?"

"Yes, Headmaster."

"They don't look alike."

"We are fraternal, sir," Harry sassed, and Hermione pinched his arm. "Ow!"

While they rode the Gargoyle staircase to Dippet's office, Dumbledore suggested they all pretend they were related. They were going to be his niece and nephew, and the bastard children of his brother Aberforth Dumbledore, hence their last name McLaggen. Harry decided to be a smart-arse and asked why they couldn't be his grandchildren. Without missing a beat, Dumbledore told him it was because he fancied riding a broomstick instead of putting his in a broom cupboard. Hermione had never seen Harry so red, or so gobsmacked.

"And you wish for them to attend Hogwarts for the duration of the school year?" Dippet hummed as he watched Harry prod the cage of a vibrant pink bird. "Please do not do that, Mr McLaggen. That is my Fwooper and his name is Phil."

"Phil?" Hermione tested the name, finding it strange.

"It is short for Philoctetes because who can be bothered saying the entire thing?" Dippet waved dismissively. "Anyway, I believe there are more important matters to discuss. You two are wanting to attend Hogwarts as sixth-years, and Professor Dumbledore seems very adamant on ensuring you get enrolled. I trust this is unbiased," he said, looking between everyone.

"No bias, Headmaster," Dumbledore reassured him.

Dippet sighed. "Very well. Professor Dumbledore is my most trusted member of staff, and if he wants his relatives to attend Hogwarts then I shall let them. I will choose to ignore your lack of N.E.W.T.S, but you must take the classes I select for you. No exceptions, is that understood?"

Harry and Hermione nod. "Thank you, sir."

"Now, you will need to be sorted into Houses. Your House will be like your family while you are here," explained Dippet, standing to fetch the Sorting Hat from a high shelf. "This old thing will tell you where you belong," he announced, presenting it to Harry and Hermione.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately, Dippet?" the Sorting Hat argued, sending him a glare.

"I don't care how old I am, Sorting Hat. At the end of the day, I am still much younger than you are," countered Dippet, pulling out a stool from behind his desk. "Mr McLaggen, if you please." He motioned for Harry to take a seat.

Harry did as he was told, while refraining from cringing at his last name again. Dippet softly dropped the hat onto his head. Hermione and Dumbledore watched the Sorting Hat twitch and it dragged out a long hum of thought as it wondered about where to place Harry.


"Oh, good. You'll like Gryffindor," cheered Dippet, clapping his hands together. "Miss McLaggen, would you please take your brother's seat."

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