Things Are Changing Now

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Things are changing now
Best friends are gone
New ones are made
I spend all my time at home
By choice
Things are changing now

I'm too old to get free candy
I don't know my family that well
Christmas is another day for gifts
I have no love to celebrate
And America?
Is a fucking mess
Things are changing now

I don't break into song at lunch
And my intelligence fails me
There's no time for Netflix
Just work, work, work
Yet somehow it's all I do
There's no mystery boy at a dance
All my dreams aren't coming true
Things are changing now

Happy endings are hard to find
Music is more deppresed than I am
My characters end up alone
And all their friends die
It's all just full of battles
With others
Sometimes with yourself
Things are changing now

I'm not who I thought I was
And neither are you
Somehow we've changed who we are
And who we want to be
Our dreams are not attainable
So say goodbye to those
Nothing's like we're told it is
Things are changing now

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