s i x

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Words by Daya

"I'm right on the edge
And I know how to swim, but I'm not jumping in
Not scared to get wet
But if we dip our feet, I know we'll go too deep."


s i x // b a b y d o l l

    The clicking sound of my shoes scraped against the damp sidewalk. Airy smoke and chittering people mingled in downtown. The city never slept. I hadn't walked far, but my mind had already fell back into ease. A lit cigarette lied clasped in between my fingers, unforgotten. The lingering smoke burned my pretty pink lungs every time I took a breath.

    Whispering winds and dangerous monsters came out at night in the city. The sensation comforted me little. My reoccurring nightmare was still engraved in my mind, fresh in memory, ready to dig its claws into me every time I closed my eyes.

    I quickly lifted the smoking cancer stick to my waiting mouth. It felt warm against my cold chapped lips. I imagined the smoke swirling and twisting inside my lungs. I imagined it filling my head, too. The nightmare faded into the back of my mind. I positioned the cigarette back into my cold fingers.

    Not as many people were at the subway station as there were during the day. Infectious coughs and soft whispers filled my ears. The force of wind from the stopping train whipped my short blonde hair more astray. I hadn't even thought about my bed head.

    The doors opened, and I quickly let my feet carry me towards an empty seat. There were plenty to choose from. My tired body slumped into one. My head wasn't as fuzzy as before. I threw away the cigarette, but I didn't bother to see where it had landed. I suddenly worried about Diana, and if she would freak out if she woke and I was nowhere to be found. A small frown tugged at my lips. I didn't have the luxury to worry too much about someone else. Especially with a damn Mafia trying to kidnap me.

    I decided to not think at all.

   A whiff of musk and vanilla suddenly surrounded me. The smell tickled my nose pleasantly, as a rush of warm air hit me in the face. I swiveled around to see a pair of familiar blue eyes.

    "If you frown too much, babydoll, you'll get wrinkles." his deep voice had an edge to it, as his striking blue eyes peered at me.

A breath caught in my throat. I went rigid as a stick, unable to come up with a response. His chocolate locks fell to the side of his face, shaggy and free of any hair product. He was dressed in head to toe in black, like last time. Amusement flashed across his expressive eyes as he watched my face change expressions one after the other. I finally settled on a blank slate. He knew I was tongue-tied. His pillowy pink lips quirked up in a faint smirk. That made me irritated.

"Clearly, you haven't been taking your own advice." I said gruffly, even though we both knew that there wasn't a single wrinkle on his pasty skin.

His smirk became more prominent. It seemed as if he was silently laughing at my attempt of a comeback. The man leaned back into his chair as his eyes stayed on mine. Gray and blue. Blue and gray.

"You've got a mouth on you, don't you babydoll?" his voice vibrated my bones.

I didn't bother answering. The nightmare from before had now faded away into the back of my mind, waiting to strike again when the time's right. My brow wrinkled, maybe I should've just stayed at home and drank lots of wine. That might've been better than wandering the streets of downtown in the middle of the night.

Before I had time to further dwell on my decisions, my attention snapped to the stranger as he grabbed ahold of my hand. My spine jerked before I swiveled around to face the man. He gaze wasn't focused on me. As I'm just about to yank my hand away and question his sanity, the subway train dings, signaling for passengers to get off.

The man stood up abruptly, tugging me along with him. "Wha—" I started.

"I've got to go somewhere, babydoll." the man explained as he further tugged my hand.

"And how the hell does that relate to me?"

"It doesn't."

"Then why am I going?!"

The man stops in front of a car. It's sleek and black, reflecting its owner.

"Because, I enjoy your company."


hope you guys have a great day:)

sorry this took so long, i've been sick🤧

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