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fabian gray as elijah taylor.

fabian gray as elijah taylor

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dRuNk by Zayn

"Right now I can't see straight,
Intoxicated, its true,
When I'm with you."


t h r e e // e l i j a h

As the lights in the nightclub bared down on me and unknown bodies pressed against me, my body moved to the beat.

The fruity alcohol was coming at me in full force, the ends of my vision slightly fuzzy. I enjoy the numb feeling. Sweat had started to coat my body, and I wasn't sure whether or not it was fully mine.

A pair of hands slipped around my waist and fell to rest on my swaying hips, warmth seeping where there was skin-to-skin contact. The stranger pressed his chest to my back, and I decided I kind of liked it.

But due to my clouded senses, I didn't realize just how hard his fingers were pressing into my skin.

Tilting my head a bit back and wrapping my arms around his head behind me, his mouth was now right near my ear.

His hot breath cascaded across the skin of my neck. The sensation caused a small shiver. My breath was heavy, from the dancing or contact I wasn't sure, and I added more sway to my hips.

A satisfied moan vibrated the stranger's throat, his hands tightening around my hips. I wasn't cozy with anyone when I was straight sober, and since I wasn't exactly that I had acted on temptation.

The stranger's inky locks brushed against my cheek, tickling it lightly.

When one of his hands started to slowly move downwards with intentions I wasn't sure I wanted to know, I slapped his wandering hand away. I wasn't in the mood to snag a guy tonight for the bed, I was here on a job.

When that thought crossed my mind prominently, I made up my mind. I hadn't came here to drink and dance with some stranger. I had came here to eavesdrop and possibly take a few lives. The warmth from our skin-contact had turned cold, jolting me a bit back into reality.

Though Aedan hadn't mind to have sex on the job, I did.

When I put my arms down and turned around to send the stranger a strained smile, as if to say stop, the guy didn't get the clear message. I had stopped swaying my hips already but he was still trying to grind on me.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to push his tightening hands off my hips.

"Stop." my voice sounded strange to my own ears, and I blamed it on the alcohol still running through my system.

The guy's dark brown eyes had hardened, and was grinding harder. What the hell? A scowl was begging to etch across my features and to threaten him, but everything still felt a hazy.

Instead, a frown took place.

I was fed up. No means no.

I slapped his face.

The people around us were clearly drunk out of their minds, dancing like mad and sweating buckets. Electronic music played through the non-visible speakers. Shock had registered across the man's face, his eyes darkening with anger.

As fast as I had hit him, his arm and reached out and took a hold of my arm.

Where the hell was Aedan? "Let me go!" I spoke through gritted teeth.

The man didn't give a response, and instead, yanked me towards him. Fear was starting to twitch in my stomach. I wasn't fully there, and so I didn't have as much strength and wit as I usually had.

"She said let her go, Gerardo." a delightfully deep voice sounded behind me, the sound vibrating my bones pleasantly. I took a sharp breath. Since my back was pressed into the man's, I couldn't see the person who had stepped in.

"Go find you own girl, boy." The man, whose name was apparently Gerardo, tightened his grip on me. My drunk ass was getting irritated, but the emotion was clouded.

"I already found her. Now you just need to get your hands off her before I send your ass back to your boss bloodied and broken." though his voice was smooth and calm, his words were deadly.

Gerardo scoffed in disbelief, but slowly removed his grubby hands off of me. I stumbled slightly back, and I finally caught sight of the man.

Dressed in head to toe with black, his simple v-neck tee shirt and jeans were like a yin and yang with his smooth pasty skin. His shirt stretched a bit too tightly over a noticeable set of positively lean muscles. My heart had hitched. Dark chocolate locks fell to the side of his face, brushing against his cheek every time he shifted or moved. A sharp jawline that could cut through steel was clenched in anger. I didn't notice how his naturally pink lips were twisted into a dangerous snarl.

His strikingly blue eyes, though, is what made my gaze linger for far too long.

They were painfully expressive, giving a new definition to 'wearing your heart on your sleeve.' I could've stared into them forever, getting lost in the depths of an ocean and letting it carry me. Nervousness and another emotion I couldn't identify swelled in my belly, making my thighs clench.

But they weren't looking at me, though I desperately wished they would.

Currently, they were narrowed at the man who had handled me roughly, a hatred gleam visible to even the most inexperienced eye. I was sure it wasn't because of the way he had handled me, though.

Gerardo turned his back on us, his figure getting lost in Nightingale's crowds. A sigh of relief had made its way up my throat.

A 'thank you' was about to fall from my lips as I turned back to look at the stranger who had saved me some trouble, but he was already gone.


hello hello;) i hope my description of elijah wasn't too crappy & sappy. 💩
sorry i'm kinda weird sometimes😂

don't be a silent reader plez. comment, vote and follow💋😉

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