Chapter 46, The Forgotten Child

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Chapter 46

Brad sat out on the front porch, breathing in the cool night air on this unusually warm spring night, smiling to himself about the way things had turned out. The day he'd received the news in Keith's office flooded him with sweet, overwhelming relief. To have Crystal gone and out of their lives was like a black, tension-filled, cloud dissipated. Even the sunshine seemed to beam brighter around them. Crystal had left town right after signing the papers, leaving instructions for the rest of her belongings to be sent to a condo in Seattle.

Keith filed the papers that day. He pulled strings to have a judge sign the divorce decree a few days later. Thirty-one days and Brad would be a free man.

For the first time in his life, he felt as if he was living with his eyes wide open. "You know, Dad, I'm glad you and Mom are going to stay for a bit."

Brad's father clinked his glass to Brad's. "Here's to a good woman, your son, and finally getting it right." He swallowed the single malt scotch, and turned when the screen door squeaked.

"Are the kids asleep?" asked Brad.

Emily nodded, and rested her hand on his shoulder.

When he looked up into the passion burning in her sparkling eyes, a lump formed deep in Brad's throat. She took his breath away.

"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Rodney stopped and rested his hand fondly on Emily's shoulder, looking down on her as a father would his daughter.

"Thanks, Dad." Brad reached around and lifted Emily onto his lap.

"Mmm, yep, all fast asleep."

He leaned his head down and kissed the tip of her nose. She still couldn't believe he'd done it; showing up, ordering his men to pack up all their things and move them back out to the ranch. He hesitated, for only a moment, and informed her he loved her. And as soon as both their divorces were final, he planned to marry her.

The way he looked at her, with such everlasting desire, friendship and love, she knew he'd just handed her his heart. For him, it was a rare gift of trust.

Sitting on his lap now, his fingers linked with hers, she knew they had a future filled with possibility.

"You never answered me, Em."

She slid around on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Answer you about what?"

"I think I asked you to marry me. And you've left me hanging."

She caressed his face with the back of her fingers, unable to remember her heart ever being so full. "If I recall, you informed me we were getting married. But the answer's yes."

She snuggled a little closer, she couldn't wait to share the news with him. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach as a slight blush rose in her cheeks. The doctor said the baby would be born in November.

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