Chapter 45, The Forgotten Child

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Chapter 45

Brad waited in the kitchen until he was ready. Then he strode to the stairs and shouted, "Crystal, get down here." He watched as she started down the stairs. Her heels clicked on each step. He wandered back in the kitchen and leaned against the stove. When she stepped into the kitchen, he stood like a general leading his troops.

"Sit down, now." His voice was quite controlled, considering the circumstances.

She appeared to consider her options as she glanced at the door, and then him.

Then with a toss of her long blonde hair and a subtle sway in her hips, she walked over to the chair pulled away from the table, and sat down.

Brad felt physically ill, for the wasted years of chasing her. He stepped behind her and she squirmed in the chair, crossing and uncrossing her legs. She started to get up, "Sit your ass back in that chair." He walked in front of her and leaned in her face as he said it.

He pointed to the envelope in front of her on the table. "That's for you and it's my final offer. You either sign it now, and get the fuck out of my house, or you get nothing." He wandered over to the counter.

She gazed at the tan manila envelope.

"Open it." His words were void of any emotion, steely and hard, which caused a shadow of fear and confusion to flicker across her face. Her hand trembled when she picked it up and slit it open with a carefully manicured nail.

He watched as she read it; watched the range of emotions that flickered across her face, and finally as she tossed the papers aside, shaking her head with a spark of fury registering in her cold blue eyes. "I'm not signing this and there is no way Trevor—"

He cut her off as he uncrossed his arms, gripping the side of the counter in an attempt to steady himself from his rising temper. "Don't you say one word about Trevor."

Her mouth snapped shut, and, for the first time ever, he saw fear on her face.

"My lawyer's preparing, right now, at this moment, to file a motion, terminating all your rights as a parent. Of course, it's a crapshoot, but a very real possibility; especially after the stunt you just pulled.

Included in this motion will be not one single dime for you, and that, my dear, is a very real possibility. You see, after your wonderful little bit of acting, imagine our surprise to, once again, see you spin another web of your lies. The paternity test came back. You'll be happy to note, Trevor's mine. But then, you already knew that didn't you?"

He didn't allow her to answer. Instead he walked toward her, clasping his hands behind his back as he steadied himself. He then began pacing back and forth as her face paled. "So you have two choices. You need to pick up the pen and sign the agreement right now, giving me sole custody and guardianship of Trevor, and do not contest the divorce decree, which is before a judge as we speak, and then you may keep the very generous settlement I'm offering. As you can see in black and white in front of you, it's a lot of money. Then I want you to leave and never show your face here again—ever. If you choose to fight this, get up and walk away without signing it, I'll have an injunction to have you removed from the premises right now and you will not get a dime. I've already cut you off financially. Any bills I get on your behalf, will be returned unpaid. I'm no longer responsible for you. You'll have to get a job and support yourself. Especially once the judge sees all the evidence against you. The abandonment of Trevor, when you left him alone, the slander against Emily, which we have the statements for, and very willing people to testify against you, but, the last bit, lying about Trevor's paternity, tsk, tsk." Brad shook his head, feeling steady control as he watched her hesitate as she bit the side of her lip.

"As for Trevor, don't add harming an innocent child to your list of follies." For the first time ever, she actually flushed in embarrassment. "You should also know, Crystal, that Emily has a very good case against you for slander and defamation of character. Did you know the courts are now handing out some very large settlements?" Her hands were in her lap, but he knew she was shaking inside. "Sign it, Crystal. Walk away today. As you can see, I'm being extremely generous. There'll be no suit from Emily and no action will be brought against you, but only if you sign. I'm sure your lawyer will be able to advise you of your chances of winning a slander and defamation suit of this degree. Your choice. Right now. You don't want me for an enemy. Even you can't be that foolish." He noted her hesitation, the uncertainty.

She picked up the pen that had been placed precisely beside the envelope. Her hand shook as she turned to the tabs clearly marking where she needed to sign. After signing and initialing each page, she threw down the pen and rose from the chair.

"Pack your bags and get the hell out of my house, now. The money will be in your account as soon as this is filed." Without a word, she hurried upstairs.

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